%0 Thesis %9 Doctoral %A Drs. Ahmad Su'adi, M.Hum, NIM.: 1230017008 %B PASCASARJANA %D 2018 %F digilib:52155 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Abdurrahman Wahid, Kewarganegaraan Kultural, Aceh, Papua. %P 422 %T TAPAK VISI KEWARGANEG ARAAN KULTURAL ABDURRAHMAN WAHID DALAM PENYELESAIAN KONFLIK ACEH DAN PAPUA, 1999-2001 %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/52155/ %X It is noteworthy that President Abdurrahman Wahid or Gus Dur always had his own distinct character in the settlement of the protracted conflict between The Acehnese and the Papuans with the central government. In addition to being an Islamic figure with the broad minded views of diversity and nationalism, Gus Dur also paid a great concern on peace and non-violence. On this purpose, Gus Dur made some breakthrough measurements by engaging in some dialogues and other typical steps. The dissertation aims to answer the following three questions: 1) What is Gus Dur's vision of Islam underlying his efforts to resolve the conflict in Aceh and Papua by adopting cultural citizenship? 2) What is the implementation of the vision? 3) Why did Gus Dur adopt cultural citizenship? On the basis of these questions, the dissertation is about to propose the argument that in the conflict resolution between the Acehnese and Papuans and the central government, President Gus Dur took a cultural approach by relying on his personal closeness with religious leaders and the local community. The approach indicates the traditional post-Islamic notion that is implemented in cultural citizenship. The conflict ended up with peace agreement based on three aspects of cultural citizenship. The first is recognition which was implemented by accepting those people as part of citizens within the framework of negotiation even though they had extremely different aspirations. The second is respect which was done by giving them space and assuring their freedom of expression to gather and formulate their ideas in peace. The third is the transformation of state institutions in the regions to accommodate the social and cultural structures and their informal leaders in the regional political system through the Bill on Special Autonomy. The result of the peace %Z Promotor: Prof. Dr. Dudung Abdurahman, M.Hum dan Dr. Ahmad YaniAnshori, M.Ag