<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "HISTORIOGRAFI ISLAM ABAD PERTENGAHAN \r\n(ANALISIS MATERI SEJARAH TARIKH AL-KLULAFA KARYA AS-SUYUTI)"^^ . "Medieval Islam can be regarded as one of the culmination points of\r\nthe development of Islamic historiography. This period raises many famous\r\nhistorians who represent the advancement of Islamic historiography. Ibn\r\nKhaldun (d. 809 AH/1460 AD) has been known as one of the exponents of\r\nmedieval historians in the field of philosophy of history. As-Sakhawi (d.\r\n903 AH / 1497 AD) has reaffirmed the status of Historical Sciences (fann\r\nat-tarikh) as a discipline worth placing together with other disciplines. The\r\nprogress does not hamper the sustainability of traditionalist-historian group\r\nwho epistemologically still holds the ethos of experts of hadith\r\n(muhaddisin). This group is different from the historians who are controlled\r\nby the ruler (court patronage) and independent historian (fellow historian).\r\nAt the time of Mamluk, schools of Egypt recognize the traditionalist group\r\nas religious scholars (‘ulama ad-din) that write history. One of the most\r\nrepresentative figures in this regard is Jalaluddin as-Suyuti (849-911\r\nH/1445-1505 AD), a multitalented prolific scholar. Works of religious\r\nscholars in the field of history give rise to one of the characteristics of\r\nIslamic historiography of the Middle Ages.\r\nTarikh al-Khulafa’, one of as-Suyuti’s major work, is very\r\nrepresentative of several reasons. First, it reflects the political viewpoints of\r\nthe author. Second, the book is also a piece of history of the caliphs of Islam\r\nserved with the nuances that are critical in the context of a traditionalist.\r\nThird, there is the use of the text of the Qur’an and the Hadith to legitimize\r\nthe idea of an ideal history. The focus of this research is (1) why as-Suyuti\r\nis interested in writing the history of Islam? and (2) how the historical\r\nmaterial explanation of as-Suyuti in Tarikh al-Khulafa’?, and (3) what are\r\nthe characteristics which it rests?\r\nThis research is a library research using descriptive-analytic\r\nmethod. The approach used in analyzing the historical material of as-Suyuti\r\nis historiography and hermeneutics. Sources used as research material are\r\ndivided in two, First, primary sources, namely the book of Tarikh al-\r\nKhulafa’, and several related books of as-Suyuti and, Second, secondary\r\nsources, ie, other works related to the theme of the research.\r\nThe exploration on these problems, leads to several major findings.\r\nFirst, as-Suyuti is a scholar with an interest and expertise in various fields of\r\nscience. However, he only concentrates to the circumference of traditional\r\nknowledge (al-'ulum an-naqliyyah), especially in the field of hadith. Interest\r\nof as-Suyuti to the history is the further implications of the Hadith tradition.\r\nHe represents traditionalist historians who survive until the Middle Ages.\r\nCapability as a historian is seen in some of the works he writes, including\r\nthe historical books, especially prosopography literature like Tarikh al-\r\nKhulafa’, Bugyat al-Wu’at, Husn al-Muhadarah, and literature that talks\r\nabout the history of science as asy-Syamarikh fi ‘Ilm at-Tarikh. Second, the\r\npattern of criticism is one of the main characteristics in the explanation of\r\nhistory of as-Suyuti in presenting the material in the book of history Tarikh\r\nal-Khulafa’. Polarization between positive and negative in turn becomes a\r\nvery common thing in the explanation of historical narratives as-Suyuti.\r\nNevertheless, ‘criticism’ in this context should be positioned in the frame of\r\nepistemology traditionalist genealogically relying on ethos of the experts of\r\nhadith (muhadditsin). In this case, he applies a person's spiritual and moral\r\ncredibility (‘adalah) as benchmarks in reading a caliph. This has\r\nimplications for the direction of his criticism that is likely to only see\r\nmorality and ignore the political domain. Explanation of history in this\r\nmodel is a history of pragmatism that he wants a leader in the level of which\r\nis ideal. Consequently, he builds the characteristics of historiography which\r\ncontains elements of the history of creation. The element is the use of the\r\nverses of the Qur’an and hadith texts which impact on the legitimacy of\r\nparticular ideas about history. In addition, the projection into the past\r\nhistory (flash back history) by comparing the ideal figure from another time\r\nshows the importance of building the idealization of a character.\r\nFurthermore, the use of mythical elements, such as natural occurrences\r\nwhich are not seen as independent events but seen as an event that\r\nlegitimizes a historical event, also helps establish the credibility of a\r\ncharacter.\r\nThis study concludes that the capacity of the as-Suyuti as a\r\nhistorian-traditionalist has implications for the historical perception that he\r\nbuilds. Explanation of history in Tarikh al-Khulafa’ seems to be referring to\r\n‘a past’, not ‘the past’ itself, in the sense that his historical explanation\r\nwishes to show an ideal history of the Islamic rulers. As a consequence,\r\nsome of the historiographical characteristics also contain an element of the\r\nhistory of creation."^^ . "2016-12-28" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "PASCASARJANA, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM.: 09.34.701"^^ . "Safari, S.Ag., M.Sos.l."^^ . "NIM.: 09.34.701 Safari, S.Ag., M.Sos.l."^^ . . . . . . "HISTORIOGRAFI ISLAM ABAD PERTENGAHAN \r\n(ANALISIS MATERI SEJARAH TARIKH AL-KLULAFA KARYA AS-SUYUTI) (Text)"^^ . . . . . "0934701 - file 1.pdf"^^ . . . "HISTORIOGRAFI ISLAM ABAD PERTENGAHAN \r\n(ANALISIS MATERI SEJARAH TARIKH AL-KLULAFA KARYA AS-SUYUTI) (Text)"^^ . . . . . "HISTORIOGRAFI ISLAM ABAD PERTENGAHAN \r\n(ANALISIS MATERI SEJARAH TARIKH AL-KLULAFA KARYA AS-SUYUTI) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "HISTORIOGRAFI ISLAM ABAD PERTENGAHAN \r\n(ANALISIS MATERI SEJARAH TARIKH AL-KLULAFA KARYA AS-SUYUTI) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "HISTORIOGRAFI ISLAM ABAD PERTENGAHAN \r\n(ANALISIS MATERI SEJARAH TARIKH AL-KLULAFA KARYA AS-SUYUTI) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "HISTORIOGRAFI ISLAM ABAD PERTENGAHAN \r\n(ANALISIS MATERI SEJARAH TARIKH AL-KLULAFA KARYA AS-SUYUTI) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "HISTORIOGRAFI ISLAM ABAD PERTENGAHAN \r\n(ANALISIS MATERI SEJARAH TARIKH AL-KLULAFA KARYA AS-SUYUTI) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "HISTORIOGRAFI ISLAM ABAD PERTENGAHAN \r\n(ANALISIS MATERI SEJARAH TARIKH AL-KLULAFA KARYA AS-SUYUTI) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "HISTORIOGRAFI ISLAM ABAD PERTENGAHAN \r\n(ANALISIS MATERI SEJARAH TARIKH AL-KLULAFA KARYA AS-SUYUTI) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "HISTORIOGRAFI ISLAM ABAD PERTENGAHAN \r\n(ANALISIS MATERI SEJARAH TARIKH AL-KLULAFA KARYA AS-SUYUTI) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "HISTORIOGRAFI ISLAM ABAD PERTENGAHAN \r\n(ANALISIS MATERI SEJARAH TARIKH AL-KLULAFA KARYA AS-SUYUTI) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "HISTORIOGRAFI ISLAM ABAD PERTENGAHAN \r\n(ANALISIS MATERI SEJARAH TARIKH AL-KLULAFA KARYA AS-SUYUTI) (Other)"^^ . . . . . "HTML Summary of #52218 \n\nHISTORIOGRAFI ISLAM ABAD PERTENGAHAN \n(ANALISIS MATERI SEJARAH TARIKH AL-KLULAFA KARYA AS-SUYUTI)\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Sejarah Peradaban / Kebudayaan Islam"@en . .