%A NIM.: 043418 Dian Nur Anna %O Promotor: Prof. Dr. H. Machasin, M.A. dan Prof. Dr. H. Djam’annuri, M.A. %T HUBUNGAN NILAI AGAMA DAN NILAI SENI DALAM KEBUDAYAAN ISLAM (STUDI ATAS PEMIKIRAN SUTAN TAKDIR ALISJAHBANA) %X The debate between religion and art has occurred since the 14th century. Sculpture did not develop in the period, due to the prohibition in the art, like the ban on drawing. In Indonesia, the involvement of Muslims in the art appears to have deviated from the rules of Islam. They are more inclined towards art for art purposes. Based on the above phenomenon, religious and artistic values according to Sutan Alisjahbana’s thoughts need to be studied to solve the problems that occur in the community involving the value of art and religious values. Religious values have a higher position than the value of art. Both turns out to be rooted in something similar, which is based on feelings and intuition. The objective of this study was to reveal the relationship between religious values and the value of art in Islamic culture according to Sutan Alisjahbana and the implications of the relationship between those two things to the public domain. This study used qualitative approach, ethical approach and history approach of Kuntowijoyo’s thought. The analysis of the data used descriptive analysis. The results showed that the correlation between the values of art and religious values were integrated with each other (theory of Ian G.Barbour). The value of art which wishes to feel the expression of the beauty turns out to have religious values. Art figures opens as wide as expertise (deductive art) and knowledge without limits for creativity according to their respective fields. Subconsciously, in the human body there is deepest inner sound (spiritual nature/religiousity) that would lead a person to do good or to create something for the common good. All actions must be accountable to the people and Allah. It can strengthen religious faith, that in Islam, supports human freedom, especially in the arts. Artists can also distribute religious messages in their art. In this study, the implications of the relationship between religious values and the value of art in the public domain was as follows: in increasing maturity, the public could appreciate and assess the work of the artist whether it was qualified or not with careful thought. All of the art was qualified, -- which is basically religious-- if everything was accountable to Allah. In the development of Islamic culture, artists and the academic community used the value of art with their creativity as one of the values that could support the advancement of Islamic cultures and as a way to carry out the development plan, especially in the Islamic cultures in Indonesia based on religious conscience. In the development of work culture, people with freedom could work in this world without limits by utilizing the creativity of religious artistic value and other values to make ends meet with delight. %K Hubungan nilai seni dan nilai agama, Kebudayaan Islam, Pemikiran Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana %D 2016 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib52276