%A NIM.: 18105050004 Fahimarotul Inayah %O Pembimbing: Mahatva Yoga Adi Pradana, M.Sos %T RESEPSI SEDEKAH BERUPA KUE APEM DALAM TRADISI TAHLILAN DI DUSUN DEMUNGAN KECAMATAN MADURAN KABUPATEN LAMONGAN (STUDI LIVING HADIS) %X Apem Cake Tradition is one of the traditions in Tahlilan activities in Demungan village, Meluran Lamongan. This tradition is implemented every commemorating the death of death, counted from the bodies buried to 3 days, 7 days, 40 days, 100 days to 1000 days or called with nyewu. The purpose of the apem cake tradition in the activities of the Tahlilan is none other than the form of calling the people who died to Allah SWT. ask him with the word الش that is symbolized with the form of apem cake. This research uses qualitative method (field research) , the author uses this method with data collection obtained through observation, interview, and documentation. Regarding the analysis of the authors of using the author of the Fenomenolgi Alfred Schutz, with this theory can facilitate the author to uncover the phenomenon of social practice in apem cake tradition in the activities of Tahlilan The purpose of this study is to know how the Apem cake tradition in Tahlilan's activity, how the appearance of apem cake for the Demandan Community. Especially in the observations of the Hadith of the Prophet. Regarding the background of the emergence of this student's leader does not obtain information in detail related to the time. this tradition appears or starting, because of the religious leaders even the probability of grandparent is compared to the Democument of demungan village does not know its history, the people of demungan village, according to Mr. Ma'zum tradition of apem cake is a tradition that hearse of the previous grandparent has implemented the tradition The results of this study can know the existence of the implementation of the Humish of the prophet who is still living in the community, used in the Apem cake tradition in the activities of Tahlilan by knowing the Hadist that the basis for this tradition can indicate that the public of the tradition is not only so this tradition is a radio that hearse but the tradition is the implementation of the Hadist about the alms to the person who died the meaning of the tradition for the surrounding community is the tradition serves as a seduration, alms. And others %K tahlilan; budaya masyarakat; tradision; apem cake; hadits %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib52288