%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Muhammad Mahsus, NIM.: 19200010129 %B PASCASARJANA %D 2022 %F digilib:52312 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K cognitive map; Arabic translation; penerjemah bahasa %P 210 %T COGNITIVE MAP PENERJEMAHAN BAHASA ARAB DAN DINAMIKA PEMBENTUKANNYA PADA SANTRI MAHASISWA (Analisis Multikasus Pada Santri Pondok Pesantren Nurul Ummah dan LSQ Ar-Rohmah) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/52312/ %X Translators are the leading players in translation. In order to fully comprehend the source text, students (students at an Islamic boarding school) must restructure their translation results to closely match the source text's meaning. In terms of thinking styles, humans have a wide range. These divergent ways of thinking result from the knowledge construction processes that students engage in, especially when exposed to dualism in the learning environment. This study aims to investigate the role of cognitive maps in Arabic translation and how students construct them. It also used a qualitative multiple-case design. Ten students from Nurul Ummah Ulya class 2 and four from LSQ Ar-Rohmah class 4 stayed for over four years. The data collection procedure used semi-structured interviews and documentation to assess participants' translation abilities. Participants were asked to provide informed consent and evaluate their translation results by an expert Arabic translator. The participants' translation results were also processed using the NVivo application, which increased the validity and objectivity of this study. The findings indicated that the participants' thinking processes during translation involved three components of a cognitive map: structural representation, knowledge organization, and inferential planning, all of which functioned to navigate the participants' thoughts through each translation stage. Activities completed, priority scale chosen, initial knowledge of nahwu and shorof acquired, and participants' habituation with Arabic translation all impact cognitive map formation. Thus, each person's mentality is distinct, resulting in distinctive translations. %Z Pembimbing: Dr. Erika Setyanti Kusumaputri, S.Psi., M.Si.