%A - Iva Faizah %A - Misnen Ardiansyah %T Pengaruh Foreign Direct Investmen (FDI), Domestic Direct Investmen (DDI) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Dengan Belanja Modal Sebagai Moderating %X This study aims to see the effect of FDI, DDI and Capital Expenditure on Economic Growth in Indonesia with Capital Expenditure as Moderating variable with the hope proven can (strengthen / weaken) . The data used is panel data with 7 years observation (2010-2016) and 34 Provinces in Indonesia. This study uses secondary data and analyzed by using MRA (Moderated Regression Analysis). The result of this research is that Indonesia became one of the developing countries with good economic growth, with in the last two years Indonesia's economic growth is consistent in achieving economic growth above 5% and can be said in steady growth condition. Economic growth in Indonesia can not only be sustained by relying on the state budget which is often a deficit, thus increasing the ULN, FDI, DDI and Capital Expenditures affecting Indonesia's economic growth, while Capital Expenditure is only proven to moderate the relationship between DDI and GRDP, while for the latter hypothesis has been tested it is not proven that Capital Expenditure can moderate FDI and GRDP relationships. %C Yogyakarta %D 2018 %I Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UIN Sunan Kalijaga %L digilib52339