@mastersthesis{digilib52350, month = {May}, title = {MODEL PENGEMBANGAN KURIKULUM MELALUI PENDEKATAN INTEGRASI SAINS DAN ISLAM DI MA ASSALAAM SUKOHARJO}, school = {UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA}, author = {NIM.: 1520411085 Mutmainnah}, year = {2018}, note = {Pembimbing : Dr. Suwadi, M.Ag. M.Pd.}, keywords = {Kurikulum Pendidikan, Pendidikan Agama Islam, Metode Pembelajaran}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/52350/}, abstract = {This study aims to explain the development of PAI curriculum in public education institutions and Islamic educational institutions are suspected the root of the problem is from the concept of curriculum development that still uses the dichotomic paradigm. The dichotomic paradigm of education becomes an obstacle to transforming education, including Islamic education, because the noble elements contained in religious teachings can not be contextualized with today's facts relating to Indonesia's educational needs. Ideally, the general education institution of Islamic education institutions should have a curriculum framework that is oriented to the integration between general science and religious science, both in the formulation of the material, the strategy chosen in the implementation of the learning activities, so that learning PAI is not understood and run as a routine but can be developed in a wider and more dynamic context. This research is a kind of qualitative research with MA Assalaam background which is part of education unit in PPMI Assalaam Sukoharjo. Methods of data collection are observation, documentation, and interview. Data analysis by selecting and compiling the data obtained, then processed and analyzed so that it can be drawn conclusion. The data validity check is done by using triangulation technique. The results of this study indicate that: First, curriculum development conducted in PPMI Assalaam oriented to the integration of science that outline consists of four steps: the determination of the objectives of the implementation of curriculum based on the integration of science and Islam, the determination of activities that accommodate the learning experience of santri in accordance with the values of integration of science and Islam, the organization of integral curriculum through a series of activities, both intracurricular, co-curricular and extracurricular which is loaded with the content of science and Islamic integration as well as curriculum evaluation which includes evaluation of pondok curriculum and madarasah curriculum. Secondly, the application of curriculum development based on scientific integration in MA Assalaam Sukoharjo can be analyzed from the process, the content of the materials and the methods and strategies in the learning that serve as the framework of learning development on Aqidah, Fiqih and SKI subjects.} }