%A NIM.: 1620410014 Anida Rahmaini %O Pembimbing : Dr. Mahmud Arif M.Ag., %T INTEGRASI AL-QUR'AN DAN SAINS DALAM PEMBELAJARAN AL-QUR'AN DAN SAINS MODERN DI PRODI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM UNIVERSITAS SAINS AL-QUR'AN JAWA TENGAH DI WONOSOBO %X The spirit of integration of science and religion in State Islamic Religious College is more interesting to be studied, within three years, there are already some State Islamic Religious Colleges committed to reduce the dichotomy of science and religion and start to the integration on both. One Private Islamic Religious College committed to reduce the scientific dichotomy is the University of Science of the Qur'an (UNSIQ) by attempting to integrate science and the Qur'ān. The integration of the Qur'an and science tooks real in the study of the Qur'ān and modern science in Department PAI, where in the learning process of the study tries to link and integrate science and the Qur'ān. This research is a field research that is qualitative by taking the background of the University Science of Al-Qur'an of Central Java in Wonosobo. Data collection is done by conducting observation, in-depth interview, and documentation. While data analysis is done by data reduction step, data presentation and conclusion. The examination of data validity is done by two types of triangulation, namely source triangulation and method triangulation. The results showed: (1) Integration of the Qur'ān and Sciencein the study of the Qur'ān and Modern Science in UNSIQ based on the first, the theological basic of the desire to execute the command of Allah SWT contained in the Qur'ān surah Al-Baqarah verses 30-35. Secondly, the philosophical foundation, that UNSIQ felt the necessary to construct the religious sciences and general sciences in order to improve the quality of education and be a booster for finding new concepts. Thirdly, the cultural foundation that is UNSIQ in carrying out the improvement of the University's resources and developing science is based on the culture of local culture and global culture of religion and science. (2) The application of integration of al-Qur'ān and science in the study of Qur'ān and modern science through 3 stages, first stage is lecture planning that including syllabus and RPS analysis, second, lecturing stage that is related to the implementation of learning al-Qur'ān and modern science such as methods and strategies used to know the model of integration between the Qur'ān and science. Third, learning evaluation in the form of middle test of study, final test of study, takehome task, paper making, attendance presences, book report and book review (3) integration characteristic covering first, Characteristics in Learning Patternssuch as interest and enthusiasm of students, difference of method and strategy, the process of putting information. That both characteristics in the realm of integration of learning as in the realm of philosophical, the realm of matter and the realm of strategy. %K Integrasi Al-Qur'an-Sains, Pembelajaran Agama Islam, Pendidikan Agama Islam %D 2018 %I UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA %L digilib52359