%A NIM.: 17104080031 Siti Nasriyatun %O Pembimbing: Dr. Aninditya Sri Nugraheni, M. Pd %T STUDI KOMPARASI BEST PRACTICE PEMBELAJARAN TEMATIK DARING DI SD AL ISLAM YOGYAKARTA DAN MI NURUL UMMAH %X The COVID-19 pandemic that has hit most of the world has changed the learning system in Indonesia. The learning system in Indonesia applies distance learning, where in distance learning there is also online learning. Online learning is a new learning for most teachers and students in Indonesia. There are several impacts and difficulties for teachers and students during online learning. Difficulties during learning become a separate task for teachers in Indonesia to be able to solve these difficulties. Where the teacher has a very important role in the online learning process, the teacher's role is one of the efforts made by the teacher so that learning continues to run optimally. So that the problems studied in this study are: (1) How is the best practice of online thematic learning at SD Al Islam Yogyakarta, (2) How is the best practice of online thematic learning at MI Nurul Ummah, (3) How is the comparison of best practice of online thematic learning in SD Al Islam Yogyakarta and MI Nurul Ummah. This type of research is a qualitative research with a comparative method. The primary data sources obtained in this study were 6 classroom teachers and 2 principals. Meanwhile, secondary data sources are taken from documentation that supports primary data. Collecting data through interviews, documentation, and observation. Data analysis techniques used in this research are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The data validity technique uses technical triangulation and source triangulation. The results showed that there was a comparison of best practice or the efforts of teachers at SD Al Islam Yogyakarta and MI Nurul Ummah in overcoming the difficulties experienced during online learning. The best practice difference between the two schools, namely SD Al Islam Yogyakarta, the teacher becomes a listener for students who have difficulty participating in online learning and then provides solutions to students. Meanwhile, MI Nurul Ummah made a video call schedule with students and made a study clinic program for students. The best practice in the two schools is that they communicate with fellow teachers to find solutions to overcome the difficulties they are experiencing. %K pembelajaran tematik; best practice; comparison; online learning %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib52368