%A NIM.: 18204081001 Erik, S.S %O Pembimbing: Dr. Sigit Purnomo, M.Pd %T MODEL INTEGRASI NILAI-NILAI RAHMAH (KASIH SAYANG) DALAM PEMBELAJARAN AKIDAH AKHLAK DI KELAS V MI MATHOLI’UL HUDA BUGEL KEDUNG JEPARA %X The background of this research problem is MI Matholi'ul Huda Bugel Kedung Jepara is a Madrasah under the auspices of the Matholi'ul Huda foundation in the formal education path that has a religious background that emphasizes the values of compassion. MI Matholi'ul Huda integrates the values of compassion through a learning process that is applied during the process of teaching and learning activities, especially Akidah Akhlak learning. Education of compassion which is the daily values at MI Matholi'ul Huda Bugel is an effort to shape the character of students. This study uses a case study qualitative research with a religious approach. Data collection techniques by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. Meanwhile, the sources of informants in this study were the principal, the head of the foundation, the teacher of Akidah Akhlak, the BP/BK teacher, and the fifth grade students of MI Matholi'ul Huda Bugel Kedung Jepara. Furthermore, the data validity test in this study is triangulation, that is tehnical triangulation and source triangulation. The results of this study show: first, the model of integration of the values of compassion implemented at MI Matholi'ul Huda Bugel Kedung Jepara is the Connected Model developed by Robin Forgaty. Where the values of compassion are included in the planning stage, KD mapping, syllabus preparation, lesson plans, methods and learning media. Second: the implementation model of integration of the values of compassion carried out in class V MI matholi'ul huda bugel Kedung Jepara in learning Akidah Akhlak is The Core Design model. The Core Design model in question is to integrate the teaching materials of Akidah Akhlak as the core which is then developed and used by the teacher through material explanation, giving examples, using methods, class mastery, problem solving and also very creative and effective learning strategies. Third: the impact caused by the integration of the values of compassion, namely students become religious with the repentance of students, the discipline of time shown by students and a sense of responsibility that exists in students. %K kasih sayang; integration model; values of compassion; akidah akhlak learning %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib52529