%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Nurhadi Asroni Kusdi, NIM.: 20204011024 %B FAKULTAS ILMU TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN %D 2022 %F digilib:52568 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K motivasi; behaviorism (B.F Skinner) learning; memorizing Nazam; %P 233 %T PENERAPAN ASPEK-ASPEK BEHAVIORISTIK (BURHUS FREDERIC SKINNER) DALAM PEMBELAJARAN HAFALAN NAZAM ‘AQIDATUL ‘AWWAM PADA SANTRI MTs SALAFIYAH PERGURUAN ISLAM PONDOK TREMAS PACITAN JAWA TIMUR %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/52568/ %X This research is based on the tradition of memorizing nażam Aqīdatul Awwam in the last three years at Junior High School of Tremas boarding school which shows a positive output, where many students in the isti'dad class have memorized Nazam, but some of students are still lazy, lack of enthusiasm, and less motivated in doing muraja'ah. This study aims to describe and critically analyze the application of Behaviorism aspects in rote learning of nażam Aqidatul Awwam at Salafiyah Junior High School of Tremas’s student, accompanied by obstacles and solutions for teachers, as well as their impacts. This research is a qualitative field research. Data was collected by observation, interviews, and documentation. The collected data is then processed, selected, and analyzed through Miles & Huberman's descriptive analysis which includes data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. Technique of credibility, triangulation techniques and sources are used for validating the data. The result of this research indicates that; First, The application of behaviorism aspects in memorizing nażam Aqidatul Awwam learning for Salafiyah Junior High School’s student at Tremas boarding school, is using this following concepts; Reinforcement means providing verbal and nonverbal reinforcement, Punishment provides mandatory to repeat the readings from the very beginning of the page, Shaping students should be in the class before teacher, Extinction, reprimand, advice, and punish the students who do not pay attention when teacher explains. Second, The teacher's obstacles and its solutions; pedagogic ability of teachers who are less skilled, spirit of students, environment, lack of good education from parents, social jealousy because of punishment lack of time to memorize, lack of cooperation between teachers and parents. The solution is to use a variety of methods, giving rewards, doing religious culture habituation in the family, have more meeting hours after school, and establish a good communication with their parents. Third, The impacts of the application of behaviorism aspects on Tremas boarding school’s student for learning and memorizing of nażam Aqīdatul Awwam at Salafiyah at Junior High School are; increase the enthusiasm in habituation of religious behavior, increase love of learning the kitab kuning, increase polite behavior, increase memory power, communicative learning, increase student’s discipline behavior, increase in the responsible behavior of students. %Z Pembimbing: Dr. Dwi Ratnasari, M. Ag