%A NIM.: 18101040054 Hidayatun Markamah %O Pembimbing: Dra. Labibah, MLIS. %T PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT MELALUI PERPUSTAKAAN BERBASIS INKLUSI SOSIAL DI PERPUSTAKAAN DESA MUDA BHAKTI NGABLAK KABUPATEN MAGELANG %X The purpose of this study was to determine community empowerment through a village library based on social inclusion at the Muda Bhakti Ngablak Village Library, Magelang Regency. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. Data was collected using interview, observation, and documentation techniques with the determination of informants using the purposive sampling method. Data validation was done by using data triangulation, membercheck, and using reference materials. The data analysis used is the Miles and Huberman model. The results showed that the Muda Bhakti Ngablak Village Library had excellent programs in the form of Salak Pustaka (Saka), Suluh Pustaka (Like), Reading Cadre (Glass), Reading Satellite, Karya Pustaka Real (Say), and Kedai Baca. The Muda Bhakti Ngablak Village Library has empowered in the fields of economy, education, culture, information, and health. The implementation of the Muda Bhakti Ngablak Village Library based on social inclusion is carried out through community empowerment activities, services aimed at all levels of society, and easy access to library information. The role of librarians in community empowerment programs in the form of dissemination of information to the community; conducting learning assistance; collaborating with cultural activists, education, health, government agencies, and business entities; and absorb aspirations, self-help and community participation in library programs. The Muda Bhakti Ngablak Village Library has become the only village library that works as an information center related to Mount Merapi for the community. The limitation of this research is that some library programs have not been active due to the Covid-19 pandemic so that researcher cannot make direct observations %K Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, Inklusi Sosial, Perpustakaan Desa %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib52743