%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Salma Sabila, NIM.: 18101040116 %B FAKULTAS ADAB DAN ILMU BUDAYA %D 2022 %F digilib:52758 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Ergonomi, Rak Buku Perpustakaan, Postur Kerja, Pustakwan, REBA %P 117 %T ANALISIS RAK BUKU DAN POSTUR KERJA PUSTAKAWAN BERDASARKAN METODE REBA DI PERPUSTAKAAN SEKOLAH TINGGI TEKNOLOGI KEDIRGANTARAAN YOGYAKARTA %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/52758/ %X The height of the bookshelf that exceeds the standard limit can affect the librarian's work posture in carrying out shelving activities. Improper work posture can cause muscle injury, which is commonly referred to as musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). This study aims to determine the size of the bookshelf height in the STTKD library based on the standard provisions that have been set and the work posture of the librarian based on the REBA method. It is necessary to propose improvements to the shelves and work postures to improve the performance and comfort of the librarian's work. The REBA method is a method used in analyzing work postures on the neck, back, arms, wrists, and legs. The results showed that the dimensions of the bookshelf in the STTKD library exceeded the standard limit that had been set, which was 315 cm, rather than the supposed 180 cm. The very high shelf size makes it difficult for librarians to reach books when doing shelving activities. The working posture carried out by librarians when shelving has a moderate to a high level of risk. The medium risk level is indicated by the lowest number 4, and the highest number 7. The high-risk level is indicated by the lowest number of 8 and the highest number of 10. Based on these results, work posture in carrying out shelving activities requires investigation and improvement. The proposed improvement must be made to replace the shelf with a size that is within the standard so that the work posture that is carried out is also improved to avoid muscle injury. %Z Pembimbing: Amalia Azka Rahmayani, S. T., M.Sc