%A NIM.: 18101050062 Nikmatur Rofiqoh %O Pembimbing: Dr. Ening Herniti, M. Hum, %T LANGUAGE AND AGE IN THE BOY AND THE KING (1992) A GRADUATING PAPER %X The Boy and The King film is an animated film that tells in more detail the story contained in surah al-Buuruj in the Holy Qur’an, which is the story of the boy and the cruel king. In this film, the language spoken by actors who have social backgrounds, especially at age, shows diversity. This research was conducted because the researcher would describe the variation of language based on age in the film. There are several characters in The Boy and The King who then do not use the variations they should use. The researcher uses the theory of Language and Age in Annabelle Mooney and Betsy Evans’s book, entitled Language, Society, and Power. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method to describe the linguistic phenomena contained in the film. This study aims to see and analyze the variations of the language spoken by several characters who have different age categories. The results of the study show that early life stage uses standard and non-standard language (uncompleted sentences, using slang, and incorrect use of prepositions). The adolescent life stage also uses standard and non-standard language (uncompleted sentences, using slang, grammar errors and using foreign languages). While the middle age stage also uses standard and non-standard language (uncompleted sentences, using slang, and grammar errors). The last, the later life stage also uses standard and non-standard language (uncompleted sentence and grammar error). %K Variasi Bahasa, Usia, The Boy and The King %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib52803