%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Muhammad Iqbal Ibnu Zena, NIM.: 18201020002 %B FAKULTAS ADAB DAN ILMU BUDAYA %D 2022 %F digilib:52807 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Relasi, Aceh Darussalam, Turki Utsmani. %P 125 %T RELASI KERAJAAN ACEH DARUSSALAM DENGAN TURKI UTSMANI DALAM MENGHADAPI PORTUGIS TAHUN 1537-1571 M %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/52807/ %X The scientific work of this thesis is entitled "Relations of the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam with the Ottoman Turk in Facing the Portuguese in 1537-1571 CE ." The Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam is an Islamic Kingdom that existed in the 16th Century. Meanwhile in the West, the Islamic kingdom which became the last caliphate, namely the Ottoman Empire, was at the peak of its glory under the leadership of Sulaiman Al-Qanuni. On the otherside, the Portuguese had succeeded in conquering Malacca and became a threat to the Islamic Kingdoms in the archipelago, especially Aceh Darussalam, especially because Aceh was close to Malacca which was the main Portuguese base. On the other hand, Portugal was also a big enemy and an obstacle for the Ottoman Turks in carrying out da'wah, expansion and trade, especially in the eastern region. Because Aceh and the Ottoman Turk both faced the same enemy and on the other hand the Ottoman Turk were the protectors of Muslims in various parts of the world, the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam established diplomatic relations with the Ottoman Turk to deal with the Portuguese threat in the archipelago The focus of the problems discussed in this study is the relationship between Aceh Darussalam and the Ottoman Turk against the Portuguese in 1537-1571 CE. By focusing on the formulation of the problem. First, how are the diplomatic relations between the Kingdom of Aceh and the Ottoman Turk. Second, why did the Aceh Kingdom build diplomatic relations with the Ottoman Empire. In following this problem statement, the author uses the relation theory proposed by Spradley and McCurdy and is guided by historical methods which include Heuristics, Criticism, Interpretation and Historiography. The results of this study indicate that Aceh Darussalam's Relations with the Ottoman Turk were first seen in 1539 during the battle against the Aceh-Portuguese alliance in that battle, Aceh received military assistance from the Ottoman Turk. Aceh also received assistance from Turkey against the Aru Kingdom, which that time was also in alliance with the Portuguese. In 1561 and the years after that, Aceh resumed relations with the Ottoman Turk which then continued after the reign of Alauddin Riayat Syah. There are several points that the purpose of the alliance between Aceh Darussalam and the Ottoman Turk was to facilitate access for Nusantara traders to trade in the Red Sea safely because they received protection assistance from the Ottoman Turk. Meanwhile, from the Ottomans themselves, with this alliance they got the right to establish trading offices in the archipelago so that the Ottoman Turk were easier to expand business expansion into the Archipelago. In addition, this alliance also facilitated the Ottoman Turk in securing trade routes in the Indian Ocean which were very important for Muslim countries in the Mediterranean Sea such as Turkey itself and the Arabian Peninsula. On the otherside, the Aceh-Turkey relationship makes the pilgrimate route relatively safer, especially for pilgrims from the Archipelago. In the military field, Aceh-Turkey relations have made progress for the Aceh military because of the military assistance provided by Turkey. Aceh can establish a superior military academy with several Ottoman Turkish military experts serving as teaching staff there. %Z Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. M. Abdul Karim M. A, M. A.