%A NIM.: 17102020046 Dinda Aprilia Puspita %O Pembimbing: Dr. Muhsin, S.Ag., MA., M.Pd %T KONSELING INDIVIDU DALAM MENINGKATKAN SELF-ESTEEM PADA REMAJA KORBAN KDRT DI BALAI PERLINDUNGAN DAN REHABILITASI SOSIAL WANITA (BPRSW) YOGYAKARTA %X The role of the family to create adolescence as a scintillating generation is very important, but many teenagers are found to be the effect of disharmony of parental relationships, moreover teenagers get unpleasant treatment such as family violence both physically and psychologically. As a result, adolescence discomfort of the home atmosphere, causing a feeling that they are no longer precious and unwanted in their family‟s eyes causing adolescent self-esteem to decline. Individual counselling is one of the efforts made to improve self-esteem in an individual who experiences a decreased sense of belonging in him. The purpose of this research is to find out, describe and analyze the stages of individual counselling to improve self-esteem in adolescence victims of domestic violence of BPRSW Yogyakarta. The research method is a descriptive qualitative study. Data collection techniques by observation of non-participants, interview with subjects in BPRSW Yogyakarta and complemented by documentation. The result of this research were three stages taken in individual counselling to improve self-esteem in adolescence victims of domestic violence, namely the initial stage, the core stage and the final stage. First, the initial stage was to build a good relationship between counselors and client resulting in mutual trust and cooperation in the counseling process. Second, the core stage is to identify the problem of the convention so that client can provide assistance by providing alternative problem solving service. Third, the final stage is to provide analysis, synthesis, diagnosis and prognosis from the initial stage to the core stage. %K Konseling Individu, Self-Esteem, Remaja Korban KDRT %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib53038