@phdthesis{digilib5310, month = {January}, title = {HUBUNGAN ANTARA TINGKAT RELIGIUSITAS DENGAN KECENDERUNGAN PERILAKU MENGAKSES SITUS PORNO PADA PELAJAR SEKOLAH MENENGAH ATAS (SMA) ?X? DI KOTA YOGYAKARTA}, school = {UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta}, author = { YAYAH FAOZIYAH - NIM. 05710029}, year = {2011}, note = {Pembimbing: Satih Saidiyah, Dipl. Psy, M.Si.,}, keywords = {religiusitas, perilaku mengakses sistus porno}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/5310/}, abstract = {This study aims to determine the relationship between level of religiosity with behavioral tendency access porn sites, study subjects were senior high school students quot;X quot; in Yogyakarta. The subjects of this research are 122 students senior high school quot;X quot; in Yogyakarta. Data collection tool used was the religiosity scale and the trend behavior of accessing porn sites. The research data was analyzed using the technique of Pearson product moment correlation. The results showed that the hypothesis is not proven, because the value of r = -0.033 and significance at 0.360.which means that the significance value 0.05 explains that the relationship between level of religiosity with the tendency of the behavior of accessing pornographic sites was not significant. This conclusion is there is no correlation between level of religiosity with behavioral tendency access porn sites, study subjects were senior high school students quot;X quot; in Yogyakarta. } }