%A NIM.: 18102010050 Henryco Syah Qohar %O Pembimbing: Seiren Ikhtiara.,M.A %T MAKNA OPTIMISME DALAM FILM ANIME “THE JOURNEY” (ANALISIS SEMIOTIKA ROLAND BARTHES) %X Maybe we have heard a story about Abraha's defeat caused by an Ababil. This event has been documented in many ways, such as surah Al qur’an, folklore, and even anime, namely Anime The Journey. This study aims to criticize the semiotic meaning of optimism in The Journey anime by using qualitative analysis and using Roland Barthes' Semiotic Theory as reference. Using the Anime "The Journey" as a research subject and a scene that shows the meaning of optimism in it as an object of research, this study uses Synder's theory of optimism as the basis where there are six indicators, namely: • Have high expectations • Not easily discouraged • Able to motivate yourself • Have high self-confidence • Don't give up • Seeing a failure as something that can be changed, not by blaming yourself The meaning of optimism is contained in the nature and character of the entire Mecca army as well as the decision-making methods of several figures. Musab who had a brave and heroic soul, the Mecca troops who did not give up easily, Aws who was able to motivate themselves and motivate the Mecca troops. High trust on the basis of the ideology of Muru'ah or the masculinity of the representatives of Mecca, Not being resigned even though defeat has occurred to the Mecca troops, Seeing a failure of Aws and Zurara that can be changed by faith not by blaming oneself %K Makna Optimisme, Semiotika Roland Barthes, Anime %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib53145