@phdthesis{digilib53200, month = {June}, title = {Analisis Isi Virtual Personal Branding Mila Rosinta Sebagai Wanita Karier Melalui Akun Instagram @milarosinta}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 17107030147 Aisyah Anggun Wijareni}, year = {2022}, note = {Pembimbing : Dr. Bono Setyo, M.Si.}, keywords = {Personal Branding, Social Media, Instagram, Analisis Isi}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/53200/}, abstract = {This research aims to provide an overview of personal branding carried out in the digital era, one of which is through Instagram. Personal branding is a self-reflection that includes the values and personality of the self that gives rise to a positive or negative response to others. This research is about personal branding through Instagram which is shown by Mila Rosinta as a career woman. This research discusses whether there is personal branding in @milarosinta account in accordance with the 8 concepts of personal branding by peter montoya Mila Rosinta is a dancer, choreographer, founder of Mila Art Dance School, and a mother of 2 children. This study uses quantitative content analysis using the theory of 8 Laws Personal Branding by Peter Montoya. This study aims to determine the personal branding shown by Mila Rosinta and the dominant personal branding on the Instagram account of @milarosinta. This study analyzes 66 posts on the Instagram account of @milarosinta from January-March 2021. In the results of the 66 research posts, there are 54 posts on Instagram that show 8 Laws Personal Branding by Peter Montoya. In Mila's Instagram post, the Specialization on personal branding is the most frequently featured on Instagram @milarosinta.} }