%A NIM.: 18202010002 Zanniro Sururi Hsb %O Pembimbing: Dr. H. M. Kholili, M.Si %T DAKWAH LITERASI DIGITAL (STUDI KASUS KOMUNITAS AISNU DALAM MEREDUKSI RADIKALISME) %X The proliferation of radicalism content in the digital ecosystem is like a chain that has no end. Without realizing it, cases exposed to radicalism are increasing day by day and of course become a threat to national unity. This is due to the gap between user adaptability and low digital literacy skills in Indonesia. The euphoria in digital media should be balanced with digital literacy competence by presenting new face actors who explore the variety of digital literacy that is younger, empowered, innovative, and creative. AISNU (Arus Informasi Santri Nusantara) as a forum for gathering cyber media for Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) students responded to this problem by creating digital literacy da'wah, namely implementing the concept of digital literacy in its da'wah. AISNU also oversees media activities with a distinctive touch of santri and peaceful Islam (rahmatan lil 'aalamin). This research uses a qualitative case study approach that is descriptive and explanative. Data collection techniques using observation techniques, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that AISNU chooses digital literacy as a strategy for developing da'wah due to economic factors, government policy implications, and technological factors. Efforts to implement the concept of digital literacy to reduce radicalism by applying the four elements of digital literacy launched by the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Siberkreasi, and Deloitte, namely digital skills, digital culture, digital safety, digital ethics. The model used in implementing digital literacy is awareness of the importance of digital literacy in the form of training and seminars, preaching with peaceful content (rahmatan lil 'aalamin) in which there are Pancasila values on the AISNU da'wah platform, partnering with private and government institutions that have the same vision and mission, publishing and distributing social media books for free as a digital literacy reference, and using wing accounts secretly. %K Dakwah, Literasi Digital, Radikalisme %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib53310