%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Nining Mauiddatul Hasanah, NIM.: 19202010028 %B FAKULTAS DAKWAH DAN KOMUNIKASI %D 2022 %F digilib:53318 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Identitas Perempuan, Sara Mills, Konstruksi Realitas, Media Online %P 158 %T IDENTITAS PEREMPUAN DALAM PEMBERITAAN DETIK.COM PADA KASUS TARA BASRO (ANALISIS WACANA SARA MILLS) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/53318/ %X Identity that exists during this human life, is a big question. In particular, the identity of women, labeled with the female gender, is known as a person who is weak, gentle, compassionate and compassionate. Even women with sexuality determine women's identity. The existence of social media construction of women's identity on mass media in the form of online news. Detik.com seeks to construct women through text, namely Tara Basro, known as body positivity , is his identity as a woman. Regardless of whether women are active or passive, powerful or not, play a major role or not, what is clear is that the commodification of women's bodies is an important issue in the media. Regarding the case of Tara Basro as a public figure raised by Detik.com, the focus of the problem that the researcher wants to present is: What kind of construction of female identity is raised by Detik.com using Sara Mills analysis?. Furthermore, how is the identity of women built and contested in the news of Tara Basro in the online media Detik.com? This study uses a critical paradigm discourse by Sara Mills, that is how women are depicted and marginalized in the text, with two main points to reveal the text's bias against women. Namely the position of the Subject-Object and the position of the Author-Reader. Furthermore, qualitative research by examining the content and text of a news story. The research subject is Detik.com which is an online media in terms of reporting on the Tara Basro case. Sources of data using two methods, namely primary data, obtained from researchers by collecting a number of news documents Detik.com. While secondary data, namely complementary data in terms of literature, in the form of books, journals, websites and other scientific works. Whereas the construction of reality on social media using Sara Mill's discourse analysis, namely, Detik.com sees women who echo body positivity or love their bodies as acts of pornography . The identity of women is influenced by the discourse presented by Detik.com. For the exploitation of women's bodies in the media, not only from vulgar photos in a magazine, but also exploitation in a news title and news content. The body becomes a symbolic capital in capitalism in today's modern world, where a woman's body is a sign. %Z Pembimbing: Dra. Siti Syamsiyatun, M.A., Ph.D