@mastersthesis{digilib53325, month = {June}, title = {KONSTRUKSI NILAI-NILAI ISLAMI PADA PEMBERITAAN POLITIK ANALISIS FRAMING DI MEDIA ERAMUSLIM.COM DAN VOA ISLAM.COM}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 20202011012 Ferly Pratama}, year = {2022}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. Hamdan Daulay, M.Si., M.A.}, keywords = {Media Islam, Nilai-Nilai Islami, Konstruksi, Berita Politik}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/53325/}, abstract = {This research departs from the need for political socialization in conditions of limited space during a pandemic, which in the end political parties and political actors must respond to the right method, one of which is collaborating with the media, especially media with Islamic nuances that are applied in political news. This study aims to see how the construction and application of Islamic values in Eramuslim.com and VOA Islam.com media. A qualitative approach was chosen in the study, which then used the documentation method and explored the framing model analysis knife from Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki, then harmonized with the conception of Islamic Journalism, the results of the study showed: (1). In the aspect of media construction in political reporting, both media raise an issue by involving political parties and political actors, thus providing benefits for one party. (2). In the aspect of news content, several results can be concluded, namely: Political news products are more of the opinion news category, because almost all news departs from the response of political figures, politicians to political parties themselves who respond to an issue. In the end, it is the main character who is involved in the news who will benefit. Departing from the phenomenon of raising the issue, it is very clear how the media takes sides with a party with the involvement of its politicians, even the media is also very clear in criticizing various government policies. On the other aspect, namely the completeness of the news, the media pays less attention to the where and when parts, so that many of the news do not display the time and place of events specifically. (3). Media Eramuslim.com and VOA Islam.com pretty much apply Islamic values to support the quality of news products, especially political news. Accuracy and upholding the truth value cannot be separated from these qualities, as contained in the Syntax section (clear background information, sources, statements confirmed by data and quotes) and scripts (complete news). The media also avoids the presumption of innocence by emphasizing the involvement of sources in the news in syntax and news scripts, especially on the item who (whoever is involved). The construction of the value of bi al-hikmah can be seen in the use of words that are wise, kind and polite, although there are still news that do not prioritize this value, such as the number two news in the Eramuslim.com media. Unfortunately, almost all political news products in the Eramuslim.com and VOA Islam.com media do not prioritize fair (balanced) values. Because it includes opinion news, it seems that there are parties who benefit and there are parties who are harmed. (4). While in the aspect of comparison, overall the two media are almost the same in framing their news products both in terms of news construction, news content, to the application of Islamic values.} }