TY - THES N1 - Pembimbing: Alex Fahrur Riza, SE., M. Sc. ID - digilib53328 UR - https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/53328/ A1 - Rahmi Fitri, NIM.: 16820004 Y1 - 2022/08/04/ N2 - This study aims to determine the effect of work family conflict, workload, and work environment on the turnover intention of employees of Bank Nagari Syariah, Padang Branch. This study uses quantitative methods by processing primary data through a questionnaire given to employees of Bank Nagari Syariah Branch of Padang. The sampling technique is using saturated sampling technique. The analytical tool used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the work family conflict variable had a positive and significant effect on employee turnover intention with a tcount of 2.731 and a significant value of 0.011. The workload variable has a positive and significant effect on employee turnover intention with a tcount of 2, 539 and a significant value of 0.017. Meanwhile, the work environment has no effect on employee turnover intention with a tcount of 0.795 and a significant value of 0.434. PB - UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA KW - Konflik Peran Ganda (Work Family conflict) KW - Beban Kerja KW - Lingkungan Kerja KW - dan Turnover Intention M1 - skripsi TI - PENGARUH KONFLIK PERAN GANDA (WORK FAMILY CONFLICT), BEBAN KERJA, DAN LINGKUNGAN KERJA TERHADAP TURNOVER INTENTION KARYAWAN (STUDI KASUS: BANK NAGARI SYARIAH CABANG PADANG) AV - restricted EP - 148 ER -