%A NIM.: 20202011022 Zakiyah Romadlany %O Pembimbing: Dr. Hamdan Daulay M.Si., M.A %T KESEDERHANAAN DALAM BERDAKWAH: ANALISIS ISI MEDIA DAKWAH PESANTREN NURUL JADID %X So far, da'wah is carried out by preachers (da'i) by giving tausiyah through mosque pulpits. But along with the development of the times, the process of da'wah and even then developed by utilizing social media today. As one of the Islamic boarding schools, namely Pesantren Nurul Jadid which utilizes several media, such as; radio, Facebook, Magazines, Instagram, Youtube and other media for preaching. With the medium, Pesantren Nurul Jadid has a unique way of conveying a message of da'wah. So it is very easy to attract mad'u. The da'wah delivered by Nurul Jadid's pesantren media is very crisp and simple so that it can be easy for followers to take some lessons in it. However, that later became the hallmark of Nurul Jadid's pesantren media. The purpose of this study is to dissect 1. How is the content analysis of simplicity in Nurul Jadid's pesantren media as content?. 2. What is the content of simplicity in Nurul Jadid's social media as a technique? In this study, researchers used a qualitative approach using Philipp Mayring's Content Analysis method with 3 categories, namely moral values, sharia and aqidah. In this research step the author will collect data in the media (instagram and You Tube Channel of the Nurul Jadid Islamic Boarding School), then the writer will analyze and group the data according to the values contained so that the simplicity of preaching is found in the media of the Nurul Jadid Islamic Boarding School. The results of this study found that the simplicity of preaching in the media of the Nurul Jadid Islamic Boarding School in its analysis has three categories, namely; have Aqidah, Akhlaq and Sharia values. So it can be concluded that in the media of the Nurul Jadid Islamic boarding school there is simplicity in preaching with three categories of messages. %K Analisis isi, Media Dakwah, Pesan Dakwah %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib53329