@mastersthesis{digilib53486, month = {August}, title = {RELIGIOSITAS, PEER INFLUENCE DAN FAKTOR DEMOGRAFI SEBAGAI PREDIKTOR PERILAKU PROSOSIAL SANTRI MAHASISWA STID SIRNARASA CIAMIS}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 19200012017 Eva Syarifatul Jamilah, S.Pd}, year = {2022}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. R. Rachmy Diana, S. Psi, M.A. Psi}, keywords = {Religiositas, Peer Influence, Faktor Demografi, Perilaku Prososial Santri Mahasiswa.}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/53486/}, abstract = {Entering children into islamic boarding schools is one of the ways parents could do so their children get formal lessons and learn religious knowledge. And to prevent them from delinquency and aggressive behavior that leads to antisocial behavior. Prosocial behavior is one of the aspects needed to minimize these behavior. In Islamic boarding schools, this behavior is very easy to find and has become entrenched. Including helping each other, donating, working together to build a dormitory and others. There are many predictors of prosocial behavior including religiosity, peer influence and demographic factors. The aim of this study is to examine the effect of the religiosity, peer influence, and demographic factors on santri's prosocial behavior. Respondents on this research were santri from Sirnarasa Islamic Boarding School at same time as STID Sirnarasa's College Students. The method used quantitative corelation method. The population in this study was 93 respondents and all of them became the sample of research, it because of they were less than 100 respondents. The data collection used modification scales of Prosocialness Scale For Adults, Scale of Religiosity 1 \& 2, and Peer Influence Scale. Multiple regression was performed to analyze the data. The finding showed there is a significant influence of religiosity, peer influence, and demographic factors on prosocial behavior with 0,000b significance with the acquisition of R Square of 0,501 or 50,1\%. The 49\% comes from variables outside this research. There one independent variable whom having significant coefficient regression value was peer influence with effective contribution of 43\%. Meanwhile the dimension of aqidah provides an effective contribution of 17,1\%, the dimension of ibadah provides an effective contribution of 13,3\%, the dimension of amal or akhlak provides an effective contribution of 24\%, the dimension of ihsan provides an effective contribution of 6,3\%, the dimension of knowledge provides an effective contribution of 0,02\% and demographic factors provides an effective contribution of 1,9\%.} }