@mastersthesis{digilib53508, month = {June}, title = {BIMBINGAN PRANIKAH DALAM NILAI-NILAI ?SINTE MUNGERJE? PADA SUKU GAYO}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 20200011011 Sahriza, S, Sos}, year = {2022}, note = {Pembimbing: Dr. Maemunah, M.Ag.}, keywords = {Bimbingan Adat, Nilai-Nilai Adat, Sinte Mungerje}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/53508/}, abstract = {This research is entitled on Premarital Guidance in the Values of "Sinte mungerje" in the Gayo Tribe. Family guidance and Sarak Opat guidance in Central Aceh have the same duties and responsibilities as BP4 as providing premarital guidance to brides-to-be. As a traditional advisory institution in Gayo custom itself starting from besierah-erah or choosing a jojoh, I serahan ku guru, I gurun, be kuru and be guru is a tradition of the Gayo community, especially in central Aceh which still exists in the implementation of Sinte mungerje which is still carried out in the Gayo Tribe itself, in choosing or determining a mate, carrying out household bahtra, respecting each other's spouses, loving and caring for one another is not considered traditionally. Because there will be problems internally that result in small quarrels in the family, it is in Gayo custom that there is a need for premarital guidance to the bride-to-be. However, the reality is in the field that many traditional premarital guidance have not been carried out based on the results of obervations made to families whose marriage age is 25 to 40 years old, many do not know the Gayo customary premarital guidance procession. Only Some families still maintain traditional premarital guidance. The method in this study is descriptive qualitative where the research was conducted in Central Aceh Regency As for the informants of this study, the subjects in the study were community leaders of Gayo traditional leaders, Petue, Imam Kampung, Reje Kampung. The methods used are observation, interview and documentation. The results showed that premarital is traditionally Gayo in Sinte mungerje in Gayo tribes. first "bersierah erahen" guidance to choose a mate, kedua I serahan guru procession handing over children by parents to imem kampung to learn religion, third I desert is guidance given directly by imem kampung to brides-to-be, fourth beruru "ejer muara" guidance or direction provided by both parents and nuclear families and the five ejer mara "beguru" guidance provided by Sarak Opat kampung or representatives of the village apparatus either reje kampung or petue. The values of Sinte mungerje in the Gayo tribe there are spiritual, educational and social values in the Gayo tribe, consensus, setie, even consensus, bersikekemelen, mukemmel, alang tulung, orderly, Amanah, gemasih and mutentu. As well as the implementation in the field, there have been many changes in things based on self-encouragement both from traditional behavior to more modern behavior. Changes in customs and understanding of religions and customs, crises of sources of information on customs, traditional leaders and the provisions of qanun customary institutions} }