%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Arsita Putri Utama, NIM.: 20200011030 %B PASCASARJANA %D 2022 %F digilib:53531 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Andikpas, Makna Hidup, Integrasi Sosial %P 196 %T FAKTOR MAKNA HIDUP BAGI KESIAPAN INTEGRASI SOSIAL: STUDI KASUS PADA ‘ANAK DIDIK PEMASYARAKATAN’ (ANDIKPAS) DI ‘LEMBAGA PEMBINAAN KHUSUS ANAK’ (LPKA) KELAS I KUTOARJO %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/53531/ %X This study aims to obtain an in-depth picture of the meaning of Andikpas' life for the readiness of social integration in LPKA Class I Kutoarjo. The meaning of life is focused on six aspects, namely how Andikpas explains the purpose of life, freedom while in LPKA, life satisfaction, attitudes towards death, thoughts about suicide and the appropriateness of life. Readiness for social integration is seen from the requirements that Andikpas must meet when submitting social integration. The readiness for social integration is to have served at least 2/3 of the criminal period, has no other criminal record, has good behavior, actively participates in the coaching program, and has a guarantor. The method used in this research is a qualitative case study method. There were 12 informants in this study where the main informants were 5 people who were Andikpas, and 7 other informants from correctional officers. Informants were determined based on a purposive technique, namely based on certain considerations. The data collection techniques used were in-depth interviews, observation and documentation studies. The results showed were 3 informants who were unable to give meaning to their lives. The three informants have not been able to clearly explain attitudes towards death, perceptions about suicide, life satisfaction and two informants have limitations in freedom compared to other Andikpas. Andikpas felt that they were ready to undergo social integration, but when faced with the condition that there were three Andikpas that were not ready. The reason for the unpreparedness of Andikpas to undergo integration is that one Andikpas still has another criminal case, another Andikpas commits a security and order violation, and another Andikpas repeats another criminal case. The researcher's analysis of the meaning of life relates to readiness for social integration because Andikpas, who is less able to interpret his life, does not yet have integration readiness. The meaning of life will make a person's motive in behaving, so Andikpas must be able to find the meaning of a good life so that it can be a reason for positive behavior %Z Pembimbing: Drs. Lathiful Khuluq, M.A., BSW.,Ph.D.