%A NIM.: 20200011051 Elis Sahmiatik %O Pembimbing: Dr. Nina Mariani Noor, SS., MA. %T PENDIDIKAN PRA NIKAH CALON PENGANTIN PEREMPUAN DAN UPAYA MEMBANGUN KELUARGA SAKINAH STUDI KASUS BIMBINGAN PERKAWINAN DI KUA KECAMATAN LOHBENER %X This thesis explains the from of marriage guidance given to the bride and groom, mental readiness and perceptions for the bride-to-be regarding preparations for marriage, household management to the roles that will be undertaken in married life. Especially for women because they will conceive, give birth and educate their children. The perception of the prospective bride is needed as a result of the understanding obtained from marriage guidance. This is done in an effort to prepare for the role of women as a wife and mother. The findings of this thesis depart from the following questions: what is the material given in marriage guidance at the KUA Lohbener District? How is the mental readiness of the bride and groom before the wedding? And what is the prospective bride’s perception of the essence and function of women after marriage? A qualitative case study methodology with a descriptive-analytical approach was used to answer this research, also with participant observation tecniqies whicj were carried out in September 2021 and May 2022, marriage giudance lasted for two days which the researchers used to conduct in-depth interviews with informants, and collect documentation results. The collection of data sources is done by puposive sampling by looking at certain criteria. The findings of this thesis are in the from of premarital education design which is marriage guidance material for brides and grooms published by the Ministry of Religion with the regulations of the Director General of Islamic Guidance regarding the Prospective Bride Course Number DJ/II/491 of 2009. There is a strategy for living a new life as a form of mental readiness to face marriage, and understanding of the prospective bride who will mature at the age of her first marriage. %K Pendidikan Pranikah, Keluarga Sakinah, Persepsi, Calon Pengantin %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib53535