%A NIM.: 1530016039 Tri Mulat, M.Pd.I. %O Promotor: Prof. Dr. H. Maragustam Siregar, M.A.dan Ro’fah, M.A, Ph.D. %T PENDEKATAN DAN AKTUALISASI PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER PADA PAUD: KAJIAN PADA PENYELENGGARA PAUD INKLUSI DI KOTA YOGYAKARTA %X This research departed from the importance of character education for students as an essential need, which necesitates the key role of parents, institutions, and the community. This study aims to determine the approach to character values, determine the level of actualization of character values, figure out why the actualization of character education values differ between institutions, and its implications for students. This is a qualitative research examining organizers of Early Chidlhood Education in the city of Yogyakarta. Data were collected by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. The research applied a phenomenological approach. The collected data were analyzed by way of data interpretation and drawing conclusions. The results of the study revealed the followings, (a) The character education approach was carried out with a micro, meso and macro approach. The micro approach included critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, and value facilitation. The meso approach included the inculcation of values, the value environment and the value community. The macro approach included exemplary values, religious behavior, institutional collaboration with parents, institutional collaboration with the community, and institutional collaboration with partnerships. (b) The actualization of character education was performed by giving more examples and habituation. Character education included 18 pillars, categorized into 5 main characters, namely religious character values, nationalism, independence, mutual cooperation, and integrity. (c) The actualization of character education was classified into three, namely self-awareness (moral knowing), a sense of responsibility for oneself and others (moral feeling), and prosocial behavior (moral action). Self-awareness actualization included religiousity, honesty, independence, discipline, hard work and creativity. Actualization of a sense of responsibility for oneself and others included tolerance for others, love of peace, curiosity, responsibility, love of reading and love for the homeland. Prosocial behavior was actualized through friendship, democracy, respect for achievements, care for the environment, social care, and the spirit of nationalism. (d) The stage of the actualization level of character education in Early Childhood Education can be classified into three levels, namely first level, middle level, and top-level characters. At the first level, students had not been able to properly absorb and apply the character of self-awareness, a sense of responsibility for oneself and others and prosocial behavior. In contrast, students had been able to absorb the middle level character of self-awareness, sense of responsibility for oneself and others, and prosocial aspect, but they still needed others’ guidance in the daily application of the behavior. At the top level, students had been able to absorb and apply the character of self-awareness, a sense of responsibility for oneself and others, and prosocial behavior in their daily activities without any guidance from others. %K Pendidikan Karakter, Aktualisasi Nilai Karakter, Pendekatan Pendidikan %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib53581