%A NIM.: 1530016043 Imam Nurhakim %O Rromotor: Prof. Dr. Abd. Rachman Assegaf, M.Ag. dan Dr. Radjasa, M.Si. %T POLA RELASI KIAI, KEPALA MADRASAH, DAN GURU DALAM PENGEMBANGAN MADRASAH BERBASIS PESANTREN DI KABUPATEN BREBES %X Islamic boardingschool (Pesantren) is an independent, autonomous traditional education institution for its sustainability depends on its kiai, the central figure of the institution. When a pesantren establishes modern education institutions, Islamic schools (madrasah), the influence of the kiai does not fade away. A kiai, with all the capital they possess, has brought the Islamic school management to their relations. The influence of capital relation of the kiai and the pattern of the relation are interesting to be studied with regard to the development of the Islamic school. This research aims to understand and to analyze the followings. 1) The capital of the kiai to bring forward the school within the pesantren, 2) The way the kiai makes use of their capital, 3) The pattern of relation of the kiai, the principal, and the teachers in bringing the school forward to meet the national standard, and 4) The pattern implication of the relation between the kiai, the principal, and the teachers and the madrasah’s competitiveness in Brebes district. The data of this qualitative descriptive study were collected through interview, observation and documentation. The kiai, the headmaster and the teachers were interviewed whilst two Islamic boarding schools – Al Hikmah 2 located in Benda village Sirampong sub-district Brebes district and Darunnajat at Bumiayu sub-district Brebes district – were observed. Documents from the two boarding schools and other relevant studies were documented and examined. Data triangulation was conducted for data validation; data from two different sources were compared to determine the accuracy. Using Miles and Huberman model, data were analyzed by reduction, display, and conclusion drawing. The results show the following. First, a kiai owns capital constituting social, cultural, economic, symbolic, and spiritual to develop Islamic schools. Social capital involves their social network vertically with strategic-authority-own stakeholders and horizontally to grass roots level. Economic capital is reflected by their financially independent for they normally own businesses such as KBIH and investment in cooperative within the boarding school. Symbolic capital is inherent characters as trustworthy, honest, hard-working, discipline, transparent, and professional. Second, the capital owned by the kiai makes Islamic school have access to the ministry of religion, education authorities, universities and the like. The access gives the school more chances to build wider and bigger network. Three fundamental points, at the least, are done by kiai. They place their relative(s) in the institution or school, adopt modern education management, and implement modern property management for the boarding school. Third, with regard to school’s development, kiai is not only dominant over the headmaster and teachers, but they also accommodative and participative. The kiai accommodates and welcomes curriculum. However, materials, methods, and time for character and morals teaching, the kiai determines and actively participates in the activity. Fourth, the three relations – dominance, accommodation, and participation – bring positive drive in improving the quality of teaching. %K Dinamika Pondok Pesantren, Kiai, Pendidikan Madrasah %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib53644