<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "HERMENEUTIKA SOSIO-SUFISTIK DALAM TAFSIR FAID AR-RAHMAN FI TARJUMANI TAFSIRI KALAMI AL-MALIKI AD-DAYYAN KARYA KIAI SHOLEH DARAT"^^ . "This is a study of the socio-sufistic hermeneutics of Kiai Sholeh Darat\r\nin his commentary book Faidl al-Rahma>n fi> Tarjuma>ni Tafsi>ri Kala>mi\r\nAl-Maliki Al-Dayya>n. Thus far, studies on the interpretation of Kiai\r\nSholeh Darat did not reveal much about the issue of socio-sufistic\r\nhermeneutics since both dimensions, the sufistic and the social, are\r\nonly addressed in their respective “field”. The Sufistic dimension is\r\nmainly studied in terms of the “intangible aspect” region, while the\r\nsocial dimension is treated as the “tangible” aspect. In fact, as seen\r\nfrom an integral perspective of the space harmony, the study of sociosufistic\r\nhermeneutics makes a significant academic contribution to the\r\ndevelopment of contemporary commentary studies. Socio-sufistic\r\nhermeneutics serves as an alternatively new perspective to organize\r\nhuman behavior both physically and mentally. This research is not\r\nonly intended to complement previous research, but also to look at the\r\nSufistic dimension integrated with the social dimension and\r\nconstructed with the discourse on the interpretation of the Qur’an.\r\nThis study used a qualitative method with a hermeneutical approach\r\nto Gadamer’s theory, covering the influence of historical awareness,\r\npre-understanding, horizon assimilation, and application. This theory\r\nwas applied as a tool (istimda>d) in reading the interpretation of Kiai\r\nSholeh Darat in Faidl al-Rahma>n. This study resulted in the finding\r\nthat every interpretation is inseparable from the surrounding\r\nhermeneutical awareness. In this context, it was found that Kiai Sholeh\r\nDarat also had hermeneutical awareness in interpreting the text of the\r\nQur’an, particularly awareness of language limitations, awareness of\r\nreader competence, geographical-sociological awareness, and\r\nawareness of the esoteric and exoteric meanings of the text.\r\nAnother important finding from this research is that Kiai Sholeh\r\nDarat’s interpretation of the verses of the Qur’an adapts to the\r\nsurrounding realities. Kiai Sholeh Darat was well aware that not all\r\nreaders of the Qur’an are authoritative readers. Most of them fall into\r\nthe category of ordinary people who are nationless and speak Arabic. This context incurred the concept of “localization” of text\r\ninterpretation as a bridge of understanding for them. Upon\r\ntransmitting and transforming the meaning of the Qur’an to the public,\r\nKiai Sholeh Darat chose the anti-mainstream option by writing an\r\ninterpretation in Javanese and Arabic Pegon script. As a matter of fact,\r\nit was notable that Kiai Sholeh Darat’s hermeneutics tended to side\r\nwith the perspective ordinary people and sympathize with\r\nmarginalized social groups (mustad}’afi>n). Most of Kiai Sholeh\r\nDarat’s interpretations also arise from assumptions formed by his\r\neducational background, a combination between Nusantara and\r\nArabic education, the list of his book reference books, his network of\r\nmasya>yikh (scholars), interactions with the community, and other\r\nrelevant factors. Hence, the style of the Kiai Sholeh Darat’s\r\ncommentary books mainly touched the outer and inner dimensions,\r\nNusantara and Arabic, and socio-sufistic aspects. In fact, Al-Ghazali’s\r\nthoughts greatly influenced Kiai Sholeh Darat’s socio-sufistic\r\nhermeneutics, thereby he was widely known as al-Ghaza>li> al-s}agi>r\r\n(little Ghazali).\r\nKiai Sholeh Darat’s interpretation not only seeks to reveal the meaning\r\nand value in the Qur’an, but also serves as a social critique. Kiai\r\nSholeh Darat’s interpretations are highly relevant in the life of the\r\nnation today, particularly amidst the community facing a\r\nmultidimensional crisis, both in terms of the crisis of social wisdom\r\nand moral crisis. The interpretation of Kiai Sholeh Darat that\r\nharmoniously combines between outward and inner interpretations, as\r\nwell as social and Sufism, becomes one of the alternative discourses\r\nthat can be trans-internalized to the public in solving various problems\r\nsolving at stake."^^ . "2022-06-17" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "PASCASARJANA, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM.: 1530016047"^^ . "Abdul Wahab"^^ . "NIM.: 1530016047 Abdul Wahab"^^ . . . . . . "HERMENEUTIKA SOSIO-SUFISTIK DALAM TAFSIR FAID AR-RAHMAN FI TARJUMANI TAFSIRI KALAMI AL-MALIKI AD-DAYYAN KARYA KIAI SHOLEH DARAT (Text)"^^ . . . . . "1530016047_BAB-I_IV-atau-V_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "HERMENEUTIKA SOSIO-SUFISTIK DALAM TAFSIR FAID AR-RAHMAN FI TARJUMANI TAFSIRI KALAMI AL-MALIKI AD-DAYYAN KARYA KIAI SHOLEH DARAT (Text)"^^ . . . . . "HERMENEUTIKA SOSIO-SUFISTIK DALAM TAFSIR FAID AR-RAHMAN FI TARJUMANI TAFSIRI KALAMI AL-MALIKI AD-DAYYAN KARYA KIAI SHOLEH DARAT (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "HERMENEUTIKA SOSIO-SUFISTIK DALAM TAFSIR FAID AR-RAHMAN FI TARJUMANI TAFSIRI KALAMI AL-MALIKI AD-DAYYAN KARYA KIAI SHOLEH DARAT (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "HERMENEUTIKA SOSIO-SUFISTIK DALAM TAFSIR FAID AR-RAHMAN FI TARJUMANI TAFSIRI KALAMI AL-MALIKI AD-DAYYAN KARYA KIAI SHOLEH DARAT (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "HERMENEUTIKA SOSIO-SUFISTIK DALAM TAFSIR FAID AR-RAHMAN FI TARJUMANI TAFSIRI KALAMI AL-MALIKI AD-DAYYAN KARYA KIAI SHOLEH DARAT (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "HERMENEUTIKA SOSIO-SUFISTIK DALAM TAFSIR FAID AR-RAHMAN FI TARJUMANI TAFSIRI KALAMI AL-MALIKI AD-DAYYAN KARYA KIAI SHOLEH DARAT (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "HERMENEUTIKA SOSIO-SUFISTIK DALAM TAFSIR FAID AR-RAHMAN FI TARJUMANI TAFSIRI KALAMI AL-MALIKI AD-DAYYAN KARYA KIAI SHOLEH DARAT (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "HERMENEUTIKA SOSIO-SUFISTIK DALAM TAFSIR FAID AR-RAHMAN FI TARJUMANI TAFSIRI KALAMI AL-MALIKI AD-DAYYAN KARYA KIAI SHOLEH DARAT (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "HERMENEUTIKA SOSIO-SUFISTIK DALAM TAFSIR FAID AR-RAHMAN FI TARJUMANI TAFSIRI KALAMI AL-MALIKI AD-DAYYAN KARYA KIAI SHOLEH DARAT (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "HERMENEUTIKA SOSIO-SUFISTIK DALAM TAFSIR FAID AR-RAHMAN FI TARJUMANI TAFSIRI KALAMI AL-MALIKI AD-DAYYAN KARYA KIAI SHOLEH DARAT (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "HERMENEUTIKA SOSIO-SUFISTIK DALAM TAFSIR FAID AR-RAHMAN FI TARJUMANI TAFSIRI KALAMI AL-MALIKI AD-DAYYAN KARYA KIAI SHOLEH DARAT (Other)"^^ . . . . . "HTML Summary of #53645 \n\nHERMENEUTIKA SOSIO-SUFISTIK DALAM TAFSIR FAID AR-RAHMAN FI TARJUMANI TAFSIRI KALAMI AL-MALIKI AD-DAYYAN KARYA KIAI SHOLEH DARAT\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Hermeneutika Al Qur'an" . . . "Islam dan Pemikiran" . .