%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A Taufik Nugroho, NIM.: 1630016005 %B PASCASARJANA %D 2022 %F digilib:53650 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Salafi, Struktural, Kultural, Tasammuh, Inklusifisme Beragama. %P 403 %T PENDIDIKAN TOLERANSI BERAGAMA DI PONDOK PESANTREN ISLAM AL-MUKMIN, NGRUKI, SUKOHARJO (STUDI TENTANG KURIKULUM DAN IMPLEMENTASI PEMBELAJARAN) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/53650/ %X This study was triggered by the researcher’s discomfort feeling against the overwhelming information in both national and international printed and electronic media on intolerant behavior committed by a number of alumni of Pondok Pesantren Islam Al- Mukmin, Ngruki, Sukoharjo. The intolerance was manifested in bombing and gunned violence in many places throughout Indonesia from 2000 to 2017. The intolerant actions urge people and the researcher, in particular, a question; does PPIM Ngruki teach such religious intolerance and violence? This makes a study on curriculum and Islamic Education (PAI) on religious tolerance in PPIM Ngruki essential. The intolerant character, which is inherent in nature, theoretically, is the result of a long process of value internalizing in an education institution. When other communities/ religions are ignored and despised, internalizing the thoughts of being the supreme and the chosen leads to discriminating behavior. In addition, education that teaches the students as being the victim of unjust practice and being marginalized tickles discriminating behavior that will, in turn, lead to intolerance. An academically accepted objective study was carried out to answer the question. The study focuses on curriculum and Islamic Education (PAI) on religious tolerance in PPIM Ngruki. Data in this qualitative study were obtained through documentation, observation, in-depth interview, questionnaires and active participation. Islamic Education Al-Mukmin Foundation, teachers, principal and the surrounding inhabitants were the subject of study. Curriculum and the implementation of Islamic Education (PAI) on religious tolerance were the object of study. The results show that PPIM Ngruki is a Salaf Islamic Boarding School (pesantren). The school has two orientations, namely structural and cultural, in the implementation. The term ‘variant’ is used to identify the two orientations. Abu Bakr Ba’asyir and Abdullah Sungkar represent the structural variant, while Drs. Farid Maruf, Wahyudin and Muhamad Amir, SH the cultural one. The two variants color the school from 1972 and 2008. Structural variants teaches the importance of power in a nation for Islam upright in Indonesia. And cultural variants promote the integration of Islam and Indonesia. In 2008 teacher exodus occurred leading to a social basis change in the school. From 2008 to 2021, a shift of domination from structural to cultural took place. Cultural variants instill the values of religious tolerance in class and out and distributed to 4 subjects: Akidah/Ahlak, Al-Qur’an/Hadith, Fiqh dan SKI. The materials include religious inclusivism, equality, respect other religions. Outclass learning is integrated in the nurturing unit assisted by Imaratu Syu’unit Thalabah (IST) or interschool organization for students. Alumni involved in Bali I and II bombing, on the other hand, have nothing to do with PPIM Ngruki at all. %Z Promotor: Prof. Dr. Siswanto Masruri, MA.dan Dr. Ahmad Arifi, M.Ag