%A NIM.: 16380009 Riyanti Alif Nafisah %O Pembimbing: Drs. H. Syafa’ul Mudawwam, MA., M.M. %T PERLINDUNGAN HAK KONSUMEN DALAM MEKANISME TRANSAKSI JUAL BELI DROPSHIP %X Buying and selling using the dropshipping system is atrading activiyy where the seller does not have to have stock of goods to be sold. With the only capital of promotion goodsthrough social media by uploading images to his online store. So it seems to ignore responsibility to consumers. Because in the online sale and purchase of the dropshipping system, they are several risk such as devective items missing items, items that do not match the potos and descriptions, giving rise to questions about what form of accountability will be given by bussines actors to consumers who have been harmed The research method used is the type of research used is literary research (library) which is a type of research to collect data through library research, this research activity collects data from various literatures, both in libraries and other places. The results of this study indicate that legal protection for consumers in buying and selling through social media media using the dropship system can be carried out preventively and repressively, and the legal consequences that arise if there is a default in buying and selling using the dropship system, namely the losses that will be experienced by consumers are the seller's responsibility because the seller is the party who makes a direct agreement with the consumer, not the supplier. Therefore, people are expected to be more careful in conducting transactions through social media, so that when making transactions they do not experience losses for themselves. %K Dropship, Jual Beli, Perlindungan Hukum %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib53715