relation: title: TINJAUAN YURIDIS PUTUSAN HAKIM MENOLAK DAN MENERIMA ATAS PERMOHONAN PERUBAHAN NAMA DIRI (PENETAPAN PENGADILAN NEGERI PALEMBANG NOMOR 154/PDT.P/2021/PN.PLG DAN PENETAPAN PENGADILAN NEGERI MOJOKERTO NOMOR 382/PELT.P/2012/PN.MKT) creator: Muhammad Saidy Muttaqin, NIM.: 18103040145 subject: Ilmu Hukum description: Name changes are regulated in "Law Number 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration and Law Number 24 of 2013 concerning Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration Article 52 paragraph 1 Recording of Name Changes is carried out based on the determination of the District Court of Applicant. In the case there is a name change application which is rejected or accepted. In the case of a name change made by Nico Andika, he submitted a request for a change on the grounds that his enthusiasm for life was reduced and he wanted to get more sustenance from a new name change, but based on the decision of the Palembang District Court number 154/Pdt.P/2021/PN.Plg rejected the application submitted by Nico Andika, in the Mojokerto Judge's Decision there was a similar case for a request to change a name and the judge granted the request for a change in the name of a child named Grandong Syarif Anugrah Utama, which was proposed by his parents on the grounds that the name was recorded the birth certificate does not match the name that exists in Indonesian society and is afraid of the consequences of being a burden/psychic for the child, the applicant in the future then the applicant wants to change / change the writing of the applicant's child's name in his birth certificate from Grandong Syarif Anugrah Utama to Moch. Iqbal Anggara Fuddin as stated in the decision of the Mojokerto District Court Number 382/Pelt.P2012/PN.Mkt). The research method that the author uses is descriptive analytical by describing the results of the research/data. It is a form of alignment in order to study whether the case is in accordance with the laws and regulations and applicable values. In addition, this study also uses a case approach which aims to study the application of norms in legal practice. The theory used is the theory of legal certainty and the theory of judges' judgment. Data collection techniques were carried out by documentary and literature study methods and assisted by technology through electronic media. The results of this study concluded that. In deciding a lawsuit, the application must consider legal sources from written or unwritten or jurisprudence that is guided by the decision the previous case. Non-juridical considerations can affect juridical aspects Which covers psychological and sociological aspects in the surrounding community. Judge accepts At the request of the Mojokerto District Court by Retno Anggraini, the applicant has the reason for the name of the applicant's child, Grandong Syarief Anugrah Utama, is a psychological burden and rejected Nico Andika's application because the applicant's new name did not match customs of the Indonesian people and the reasons for the applicant's lack of enthusiasm and successful in any of the applicant's endeavors is deemed Aquo not sufficiently grounded to granted date: 2022-08-23 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Muhammad Saidy Muttaqin, NIM.: 18103040145 (2022) TINJAUAN YURIDIS PUTUSAN HAKIM MENOLAK DAN MENERIMA ATAS PERMOHONAN PERUBAHAN NAMA DIRI (PENETAPAN PENGADILAN NEGERI PALEMBANG NOMOR 154/PDT.P/2021/PN.PLG DAN PENETAPAN PENGADILAN NEGERI MOJOKERTO NOMOR 382/PELT.P/2012/PN.MKT). Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.