%A NIM.: 18103050085 Nur Khasanah Syahputri %O Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. H. Khoiruddin Nasution, M. A. %T TEKAN ANGKA PERNIKAHAN DINI : IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM JO KAWIN BOCAH PERSPEKTIF MAQASID ASY-SYARI’AH (STUDI DI KANTOR DINAS KBPPPA KABUPATEN CILACAP) %X The Jo Kawin Bocah program is an effort from Central Java Provincial Government in this case the Women and Children Service in an effort to prevent early marriage in Central Java Province. In Cilacap Regency, the percentage of Age at First Marriage (UKP) or early marriage in Cilacap Regency in 2020 as much as 26%, which means entering the red zone. Office of Family Planning, Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Cilacap Regency is the main implementer in implementing Jo Kawin Bocah program in the field. Therefore, the author is interested to know more about the implementation of the Jo Kawin Bocah program in an effort to reduce the number of early marriages in Cilacap Regency. This research is included in the category of field research with a normative juridical approach. The nature of this study uses an analytical descriptive method, namely describing the activities in the program Jo Kawin Bocah and analyzing in the view of Maqa>s{id asy-Syari>’ah To obtain the author's data using the interview and documentation method The data analysis method used by the compiler is a qualitative analysis method by deductive. Based on the research result, it may be concluded. First, Cilacap Regency KBPPPA Office on implementation of Jo Kawin Bocah program as an effort to reduce the number of early marriages in Cilacap Regency is in accordance with the guidebook of Jo Kawin Bocah. Implementation program Jo Kawin Bocah namely by means of amplification, participation and providing reference information for integrative services. Second, supporting factors on implementation of Jo Kawin Bocah programn are financial support from local goverments, participation of government, academict, communities, business world, as well as participation between institutions and outside organizations in Cilacap Regency. The inhibiting factors are the lack of human resources who have special expertise in the field of counseling, even distribution of the socialization of Jo Kawin Bocah program in the community, and the end of public awareness about the dangers of early marriage. Third, the implementation of Jo Kawin Bocah program has relevance to the Maqa>s{id asy-Syari>’ah i.e. protection of the soul (h{ifz{ an-nafs), i.e. avoiding death from things caused by early marriage. Protection of reason (h{ifz{ al-‘aql), namely with education and knowledge that includes TRIAD, KRR, PUP and other adolescent problems will add insight to adolescents. Protection of offspring (h{ifz{ an-nasl) is related to the implementation of stunting prevention activities. Protection of property (h{ifz{ alma> l), with of life skills training activities. %K Pernikahan Dini, Program Jo Kawin Bocah, Maqasid asy-Syari’ah %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib53817