relation: title: EFEKTIVITAS KEBIJAKAN PEMERINTAH KALURAHAN PANGGUNGHARJO KAPANEWON SEWON KABUPATEN BANTUL DALAM PENANGGULANGAN COVID-19 (PERSPEKTIF MAQASHID SYARI’AH) creator: Warih Sangaji, NIM.: 18103070024 subject: Covid-19 subject: Kebijakan Publik description: The massive and significant spread of Covid-19 is felt in various massive and significant Spread of Covid-19 which is significantly felt in various parts of the world, including Indonesia. The problem that Covid-19 causes is very complex, ranging from clinical aspects, economic, to social aspects. Indonesia as Welfare State or countries that uphold the welfare of its people, as well as the principle of Salus Popul Suprema Lex Esto, which states that the safety of the people is the highest law, as well as a mandate from the constitution that is framed in Article 28H (1) 1945 Constitution that requires Government be responsible for the safety or prosperity of the people of Covid- 19. The fast spread of Covid-19 which is so fast throughout Indonesia, has an impact on rural areas. In this case, the Village Government is encouraged to issue a series of effective policies as an effort in bailout of Covid-19, as well as aligned with the Maqashid Syari’ah principle to ensure the welfare of its people. Panggungharjo Village, who has the most population at Kapanewon Won, as well as directly bordering the city of Yogyakarta has a serious risk of the spread of Covid-19. In this case the Kalurahan Panggungharjo Government issued a series of policies as an effort to overcome bailout on Kalurahan Panggungharjo. The purpose of this research is to describe how the Panggungharjo Village Government's policy in dealing with Covid-19, how the effectiveness of Village Panggungharjo Government Policy in Covid-19 Prevention is on Village Panggungharjo, as well as a review of Maqashid Syarif'ah against the policy is like what. This type of research is a field research with an empirical juridical approach which is descriptive analysis. In this study, the preparation collects data through interviews, observations, and documentation, which furthermore Compiles conduct an analysis of the data with a qualitative descriptive method. In this research, Reseacher found that the Panggungharjo Village Government Policy in countermeasures Covid-19 which are measured based on the indicators that affect legal effectiveness according to Soerjono Soekanto, it can be said that the policy has not yet been fully grown. Meanwhile, in a review of Maqashid Syari’ah, Panggungharjo Village Government Policy on the Covid-19 prevention, has in line with the intention of Maqashid Syari’ah which is realized with priority of maintenance of ushul al-khomsah (religious, soul, reason, offspring, and wealth). date: 2022-05-24 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Warih Sangaji, NIM.: 18103070024 (2022) EFEKTIVITAS KEBIJAKAN PEMERINTAH KALURAHAN PANGGUNGHARJO KAPANEWON SEWON KABUPATEN BANTUL DALAM PENANGGULANGAN COVID-19 (PERSPEKTIF MAQASHID SYARI’AH). Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.