TY - THES N1 - Pembimbing: Saifuddin, S.HI., M.Si. ID - digilib53853 UR - https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/53853/ A1 - Nanang Febiansyah, NIM.: 18103080018 Y1 - 2022/08/04/ N2 - The basic meaning of zakat linguistically is holy, growing blessing, and commendable. All that meanings are used in Qur?an and Hadist. Zakat becomes one of the booster factor of umat?s economy, in At-Taubah verse 60 which explain eight of asnaf zakat there are fakir, poor, amil, muallaf, gharim, fisabilillah, ibnu sabil, and riqab. In distribution of zakat LAZISMU Wonogiri refers to Dewan Syariah LAZISMU provision NO: 001.SK/DS/17/A/2018 About Collection Guide and Pentasharufan Zakat, Infaq and Shadaqah. But in implementation there is a different with the resolution and the determination of that, because that provision is not explain in detail towards ibnu sabil criteria, and from that LAZISMU Wonogiri has six addition criteria for ibnu sabil especially for Wonogiri region. This research is a vocation research with a normative approach, and the method for analyzing the data is using descriptive qualitative method. The method of collecting data is using interview and document study, this research is conducted in LAZISMU of Wonogiri region, and using the theory of zakat,ibnu sabil and maq??id al-syar? ?ah LAZISMU Wonogiri sets the addition of that criteria from the experience, the circumspection, and the selectivity. From that sixth criteria each of them can see from maq??id al-syar? ?ah view. From the fifth part of maq??id al-syar? ?ah the first and second criteria are refers to religion maintain (?if? ad-din) who set in it in Qs At-Taubah 60. The third criteria is in maintain property (?if? al-ml) part, with knowing the identity for prevent zakat to fall to the wrong people. The fourth is in soul maintain (?if? an-nafs) part and property maintain (?if? al-m?l), with the data collection of ibnu sabil Indonesia, the validity and morality other people?s right can be maintain. The fifth is in soul maintain (?if? al-nafs) and property maintain (?if? al-mall) because in syariah determination, reasoning is very required for produce the good deeds. The sixth criteria is in soul maintain (?if? al-nafs) part, in this part ibnu sabil who accept the help is requested to complete the filling for LAZISMU archives as of to keep the relation and the silaturahmi to fellow and can give the suggestion, so the discord is lower. From all that procedures LAZISMU Wonogiri will give a penalty for the lying ibnu sabil, the penalty are light penalty and severe penalty. For the light penalty that is an advice and warning. For the severe penalty that is call the Satpol PP. From the maq??id al- syari ?ah this penalty can found in property maintain (?if? al-m?l) part. This deception can interfere the convenience, take other people?s right and remove the self respect which very upheld in Islam. PB - UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA KW - Zakat KW - Ibnu Sabil KW - Maq??id Al- Syar? ?ah KW - dan LAZISMU M1 - skripsi TI - KRITERIA IBNU SABIL LAZISMU WONOGIRI DALAM PERSPEKTIF MAQASID AL- SYARI ?AH AV - restricted EP - 163 ER -