%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Fatwa Syibromalisi, NIM.: 18103080035 %B FAKULTAS SYARI’AH DAN HUKUM %D 2022 %F digilib:53855 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Paylater, Perilaku Mahasiswa, Fakta Sosial %P 129 %T PRAKTIK PENGGUNAAN SISTEM PAYLATER PADA MARKETPLACE SHOPEE DI KALANGAN MAHASISWA UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI SUNAN KALIJAGA (STUDI PERSPEKTIF SOSIOLOGI HUKUM ISLAM) %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/53855/ %X Nowadays, muamalah transactions can now be done online through e-commerce transactions (electronic commerce) with the Paylater system on the Shopee application. This Paylater system provides a bailout for shopping at Shopee with additional or interest. Most Shopee users are in the 20-24 year age group. Departing from that, the author is interested in examining the behavior of UIN Sunan Kalijaga students in using Shopee with the Paylater system. This research is a descriptive analytic research, type of field research (field research), with an empirical approach, using interview and documentation data collection techniques. The data were analyzed using three activity lines, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing and verification. The results of the study found that the practice of using Shopee Paylater was done by registering, then activating an account, and shopping. The payment rules are in the form of installments with maturities of 1, 3, 6, up to 12 months with an interest of 2.95%, a handling fee of 1%, and a late fee of 5%. The views of students who use Paylater on the addition are first, it is considered as riba, and the second is a service fee. Meanwhile, students who do not use Paylater think that the addition includes riba. Based on the perspective of Emile Durkheim's theory of social facts, the factors behind student behavior in using the Paylater system create two social facts, namely social facts in the form of student behavior using and not using the Paylater system. The first factor is social factor, namely the trend of transactions to use the Paylater system. The second is the religious factor, which is related to the rules of Islamic law on the practice of using the Paylater system. Third, economic factors, limited funds and urgent needs are factors for student behavior to use the Paylater system. The existence of factors in these social facts are casually related. %Z Pembimbing: Dr. H. Hamim Ilyas, M.Ag.