%A NIM.: 18103080089 Susi Rukmini %O Pembimbing; Wardatul Fitri, M.H. %T PERLINDUNGAN KONSUMEN TERHADAP PEREDARAN PRODUK ILEGAL SKINCARE LINSKY (STUDI KASUS PADA RESELLER SKINCARE LINSKY DI DAERAH SUMENEP) %X As time goes by, people become intense in taking care, especially in terms of taking care of their face to obtain an attractive appearance. This almost has be-come a necessity for them, both in urban and rural areas, and no exception for the people of Sumenep. It was found that there were skincare products named Linsky, which is circulating and quite becoming popular among the Sumenep community. Moreover, the low price makes the product even more becomes the alternative chosen by the community for solutions to their facial problems. Even though the product is not registered with BPOM and is not halal certified, the people don’t seem to care and ignore the safety for their own health which can even be fatal. From these problems, the author conducted research with several problem formu-lations, there are: 1) What are the factors that cause the people of Sumenep using illegal Linsky skincare products? 2) How was the awareness and legal compliance of Linsky skincare resellers against the circulation of Linsky skincare illegal products in the Sumenep area. 3) How is the legal protection for users of illegal Linsky skincare products in the Sumenep area. The research method used is a type of field research, where research is car-ried out by observing directly into the field to obtain data from the source regard-ing a phenomenon or case that occurs. The theoretical framework used to examine this research is the theory of consumer protection law, consumer theory, and the theory of business actors. The results obtained after conducting this research, including: 1) there are several factors that cause the Sumenep community using Linsky skincare: psycho-logical factors, namely the lack of knowledge of the Sumenep people about the dangers and risks of illegal products, personal factors, namely the price of Linksy skin-care products which relatively cheap, and social factors, which are environ-mental or social influences. 2) The resellers are tempted by the profits from sell-ing these products, so they ignore the risks that occur to the skin health of Linsky skincare users. The indicators of legal knowledge can illustrate how minimal awareness and compliance of Linsky skincare resellers in the Sumenep area are with statutory provisions. 3) Law enforcement for resellers can end up with ad-ministrative sanctions such as being banned from circulation, withdrawn from cir-culation, revoking the distribution permit and being confiscated for destruction. If the violation is considered a criminal offense under the provisions of Article 106 and Article 197 of Law on Health Number 36 of 2009, it can be subject to admin-istrative sanctions depending on the results of laboratory tests. If they enter the criminal realm, they are imprisoned for a maximum of 15 years and a fine of a maximum of 1.5 billion rupiah. Efforts to increase consumer awareness about the dangers of illegal products must be continued to be carried out in order to fulfill justice and consumer rights. The role of the government, BPOM, and consumers is needed in supervising the circulation of illegal products that are spread. %K Perlindungan Konsumen, Produk Ilegal, Skincare Linsky %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib53871