TY - THES N1 - Pembimbing; Dr. Abdul Mughits, S.Ag, M.Ag ID - digilib53879 UR - https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/53879/ A1 - Masitoh Nurul Anisah, S.H, NIM.: 18203011006 Y1 - 2022/06/17/ N2 - Waqf is a form of shadaqah that has a special position in Islam. Its specificity is seen from the many impacts and influences caused by waqf. The existing waqf practice is still widely carried out in the traditional way where the utilization of waqf assets is stopped for the purpose of building physical buildings, for example; mosques, mosques, tombs. Some of the problems of waqf in Indonesia are found in the Nazir aspect, namely related to Nazir's low competence in waqf management. Many problems would occur when Nazir did not qualify as a Nazir and did not want to improve his abilities to become a more competent and professional Nazir. It can be interpreted that everyone should strive to be and maintain professionalism as a Nazir. Nazir must be able to find loopholes in solutions to the many problems and shortcomings that exist when managing and developing waqf. Likewise, the phenomenon of the development of physical buildings in Magelang Regency, on the one hand also presents new problems, inevitably, waqf land will also gradually be affected by the massive development program, be it toll road construction, road widening, etc., then Nazir must be proficient in dealing with existing problems while sticking to sharia rules or applicable laws. This type of research is field research with a normative juridical approach. While the data analysis method used is descriptive analysis. In the method of collecting compiler data using the method of interview and documentation. The results showed that Nazir in managing and developing waqf property in Mungkid District was very diverse. Some of them have developed productively, semiproductively but there are also Nazirs who still manage waqf in the traditional way or have not been developed into productive waqf. Factors that affect Nazir's competence in carrying out his role as a manager and developer of waqf include Nazir's understanding of waqf law and ZIS, Nazir's ability to manage or manage the management he uses, Nazir's professionalism and finally Nazir's ability to manage and see business opportunities greatly affects the form of Nazir's management. PB - UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA KW - Wakaf KW - Nazir KW - Undang-undang Nomor 41 Tahun 2004 KW - Pengelolaan Wakaf M1 - masters TI - ASPEK YURIDIS PERAN NAZIR DALAM MENGELOLA DAN MENGEMBANGKAN HARTA BENDA WAKAF (STUDI PENGELOLAAN DAN PENGEMBANGAN WAKAF OLEH NAZIR DI KECAMATAN MUNGKID KABUPATEN MAGELANG) AV - restricted EP - 174 ER -