@mastersthesis{digilib53886, month = {August}, title = {PENANAMAN ETOS KERJA DALAM PELAKSANAAN PEMENUHAN HAK DAN KEWAJIBAN ANAK PEREMPUAN DI RUMAH GADANG (STUDI DI NAGARI KAPAU KECAMATAN TILANTANG KAMANG KABUPATEN AGAM PROVINSI SUMATERA BARAT)}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 19203012018 Andre Indrasukma, S.H.}, year = {2022}, note = {Pembimbing: Prof. Dr. H. Hamim Ilyas M.Ag}, keywords = {Etos Kerja, Hak dan Kewajiban Anak, Rumah Gadang}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/53886/}, abstract = {Indonesia is one of the countries in the world that has the largest population and even ranks fourth in the world. With the fourth largest population in the world. Indonesia should be able to become a prosperous country but in reality this is different. This is due to inadequate human resources and various other economic problems. So we need a solution to prevent this. one of them recognizes the characteristics of each region and recognizes its natural potential. One of Indonesia's natural potentials is agriculture but in developing the economy it is not only limited to the scope of farming. This can be seen in most of the people of West Sumatra who are known as rice stall traders. One of them is Nasi Kapau. It was named Nasi Kapau because it came from Nagari Kapau. The rice stall business was born because of the encouragement of the Minangkabau philosophy, namely Alam Takambang Becomes a Teacher. With this philosophy, the Nagari Kapau people have succeeded in developing their natural potential to be used as a livelihood and a form of pride as Minangkabau people. This can be seen in the culinary area in the Bukittinggi area which is in the Los Lambuang Market. This is what makes Nasi Kapau at the los stomach market different because it is run by all women. However, this success may not be directly formed and there must be a work ethic behind this success. So it is necessary to see how girls are raised in Nagari Kapau. Moreover, most of the children of Nagari Kapau live and develop in Rumah Gadang which has special rules and also in raising it is bound by the rules of the rights and obligations of the child. So based on this, the researcher wants to know how the form of instilling a work ethic in the implementation of the fulfillment of children's rights and obligations in Rumah Gadang is. Then how is this from an Islamic perspective? This type of research is an empirical juridical commonly referred to as field research with the aim of seeing the reality that is happening in society. Primary data collection was obtained from the results of observations, interviews and documentation. This research is descriptive qualitative with the approach used is ethnography to describe culture as it is. The results of this study conclude, the form of instilling a work ethic in the implementation of the fulfillment of children's rights and obligations in Nagari Kapau is the cultivation of a work ethic as an actualization, grace, service, honor, calling, art, trust and worship because of the values of spirit, morals and spirituality and other. So this motivates women in Nagari Kapau to become entrepreneurs when they grow up based on the values of the work ethic that have been instilled since childhood and according to Islamic law, all of it is based on the maslahah of maintaining reason, lineage and religion.} }