TY - THES N1 - Pembimbing: Drs. Siantari Rihartono, M. Si. ID - digilib54173 UR - https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/54173/ A1 - Yorif Alfa Ramadhan, NIM.: 15730097 Y1 - 2022/07/28/ N2 - Infotainment is one of the ways to get entertainment from the media. In infotainment industry, information about entertainers and public figure often become the highlight, starting from their personal lives to the criminal cases that happened to them. One of the case that often happen was drug misuse. In 2022, police has arrested many entertainers that confirmed abusing drugs, one of them was Ardhito Pramono. He arrested by the police in the mid of january 2022 for using the marijuana. This case attracted the attention of netizens because Ardhito has good image and he is at the top of his career. This research used descriptive qualitative method and was aimed to describe the framing of Ardhito Pramono?s arresting news due to drug misuse case (news in period January 12-14 2022) by Detik.com as the research object. Researcher, used Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki model that has four main structures as analysis unit, syntactic, script, thematic and rhetoric to analyze several samples of the news. The result of this research using this framing method indicate that Detik.com carried out framing in the news. Within first three days of the arrest, Detik.com highlighted the figure of Ardhito Pramono, so that the information contained in the news articles did not always focus on the arrest, but also things around Ardhito Pramono which became the highlight of the journalists. Detik.com often provides information about him that was not relate to the news title. In addition, Detik.com also provides sources of information based on the law perspective, becaouse the quotes included in the news mostly come from the police.Keywords PB - UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA KW - Drugs KW - Framing KW - Detik.com M1 - skripsi TI - ANALISIS FRAMING PENANGKAPAN MUSISI ARDHITO PRAMONO ATAS KASUS NARKOBA (STUDI DESKRIPTIF KUALITATIF DALAM SITUS DETIK.COM PERIODE 12-14 JANUARI 2022) AV - restricted EP - 150 ER -