<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA WANPRESTASI SECARA NON-LITIGASI DALAM SISTEM KREDIT ONLINE PADA CICIL.CO.ID"^^ . "Online credit is a technological development in accordance with the times. E-commerce or electronic commerce is the distribution, purchase, sale, marketing of goods and services through electronic systems such as the internet, television or other computer networks. E-commerce may involve electronic fund transfers, electronic data exchange, automated inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Cicil.co.id is one of the online-based credit service providers and is directly supervised by the Financial Services Authority or OJK. In practice, Cicil.co.id does not provide credit in general and only for students. The application procedure for granting credit can be obtained so quickly and easily, it does not rule out the risk of fraud by one of the parties. Default is one of the violations that occur so that it will cause harm to one party if it is not resolved immediately. Therefore, it is necessary to study more deeply regarding the mechanism for resolving default disputes on online credit and how the form of legal protection is provided to the parties, both creditors and debitors in the online credit system.\r\nThis type of research uses empirical methods, research focuses on examining a phenomenon or state of the object of research in detail by collecting the facts that occur and developing existing concepts. In the method of data collection using the method of observation, interviews, and documentation.\r\nBased on the results of the research that in resolving cases of default that occurred in Cicil.co.id using a negotiation process to reach an agreement. This is in accordance with the principles of 5C&4P, the principle of trust, the principle of prudence and also the principle of freedom of contract, the principle of consensualism. A series of default dispute resolution processes prioritize a win-win solution so as not to bring down the good name of either party."^^ . "2022-08-18" . . . . "UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . "FAKULTAS SYARIAH DAN HUKUM, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA"^^ . . . . . . . . . "NIM.: 1534123"^^ . "Aba Makhtum"^^ . "NIM.: 1534123 Aba Makhtum"^^ . . . . . . "PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA WANPRESTASI SECARA NON-LITIGASI DALAM SISTEM KREDIT ONLINE PADA CICIL.CO.ID (Text)"^^ . . . . . "15340123_BAB-I_IV-atau-V_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf"^^ . . . "PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA WANPRESTASI SECARA NON-LITIGASI DALAM SISTEM KREDIT ONLINE PADA CICIL.CO.ID (Text)"^^ . . . . . "PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA WANPRESTASI SECARA NON-LITIGASI DALAM SISTEM KREDIT ONLINE PADA CICIL.CO.ID (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA WANPRESTASI SECARA NON-LITIGASI DALAM SISTEM KREDIT ONLINE PADA CICIL.CO.ID (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA WANPRESTASI SECARA NON-LITIGASI DALAM SISTEM KREDIT ONLINE PADA CICIL.CO.ID (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA WANPRESTASI SECARA NON-LITIGASI DALAM SISTEM KREDIT ONLINE PADA CICIL.CO.ID (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA WANPRESTASI SECARA NON-LITIGASI DALAM SISTEM KREDIT ONLINE PADA CICIL.CO.ID (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA WANPRESTASI SECARA NON-LITIGASI DALAM SISTEM KREDIT ONLINE PADA CICIL.CO.ID (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA WANPRESTASI SECARA NON-LITIGASI DALAM SISTEM KREDIT ONLINE PADA CICIL.CO.ID (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA WANPRESTASI SECARA NON-LITIGASI DALAM SISTEM KREDIT ONLINE PADA CICIL.CO.ID (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA WANPRESTASI SECARA NON-LITIGASI DALAM SISTEM KREDIT ONLINE PADA CICIL.CO.ID (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA WANPRESTASI SECARA NON-LITIGASI DALAM SISTEM KREDIT ONLINE PADA CICIL.CO.ID (Other)"^^ . . . . . "HTML Summary of #54248 \n\nPENYELESAIAN SENGKETA WANPRESTASI SECARA NON-LITIGASI DALAM SISTEM KREDIT ONLINE PADA CICIL.CO.ID\n\n" . "text/html" . . . "Ekonomi - Masalah Hukum" . . . "Ilmu Hukum" . .