%0 Thesis %9 Skripsi %A Annisa Hannif Utami, NIM.: 15690023 %B FAKULTAS ILMU TARBIYAH DAN KEGURUAN %D 2022 %F digilib:54249 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %K Pendidikan Nonformal, Pendekatan Pembelajaran, Pembelajaran Fisika, School Of Physics %P 140 %T PENDEKATAN PEMBELAJARAN FISIKA DI SEKOLAH NONFORMAL SCHOOL OF PHYSICS %U https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/54249/ %X Non-formal education is one part of education that is very important to complement formal education. School of Physics is one of the non-formal activities in the field of education for students and the general public who want to add or complete the completeness of physics material obtained in non-formal education. In contrast to formal education, the School of Physics as a non-formal education has a very short time in its implementation, which is only 3 days 2 nights and the different educational backgrounds of the participants discuss physics material which is generally discussed within one semester. Certainly in this case the teacher must use the right methods, models, approaches, tactics, and techniques to deliver the material. On this basis, this effort seeks to describe the approach used by teachers in learning at the School of Physics. This research is a qualitative research using 3 research steps, namely: 1) observations made with participatory observation means that the researcher feels that he is a participant in the School of Physics. 2) study of documents from the existing School of Physics, the researcher collects documents related to these past and present activities, sorts them out, then writes them into scientific sentences 3) interviews with School of Physics teachers to confirm what has been obtained and add information. The results of this study the approach used by the teacher is an expository approach which makes the teacher the center of learning and is carried out in lectures. Then there is one approach that is characteristic of teaching and is owned by the teacher, namely the mathematical approach. This mathematical approach is an approach to how teachers bring physics problems mathematically by connecting and not eliminating their physical properties. This approach also teaches how to look at something complex into something simple and acceptable to the general public. An example is the Euler Lagrange equation which is brought and explained using Newton's law equations. %Z Pembimbing: Rachmad Resmiyanto, S.Si., M. Sc.