%A NIM.: 15690048 Kafa Ni’matul Fadhilah %O Pembimbing: Joko Purwanto, M. Sc %T KLASIFIKASI AYAT-AYAT AL-QURAN UNTUK FISIKA SMA/MA %X This study aims at presenting the classification of al-Quran verses for Physics for Senior High School (SMA/MA). The reference of classification based on 800 kauniyah verses by Agus Purwanto in his book Ayat-Ayat Semesta and Nalar Ayat-Ayat Semesta. This research belongs to a literature-based research. By conducting such review of Tafsir Al-Mishbah, Tafsir al-Quran by Ministry of Religion Affairs in Microsoft Word, books, journals and other related literature about religion (al-Quran) and science, the data—the al-Quran verses—was analyzed using content analysis method. Following this, the results were classified according to subject matter of Physics found in basic competence (KD) for each class. According to the findings, there were 62 verses for 10th grade, 46 verses for 11th grade and 21 verses for 12th grade. The classification of theses verses is expected to serve as a reference for designing teaching materials, module, and so on. %K ntegrasi-Interkoneksi, Ayat Al-Quran, Fisika SMA/MA %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib54252