@phdthesis{digilib54279, month = {August}, title = {ZERO OVER DIMENSION OVER LOADING (ODOL) DI UPPKB GUYANGAN NGANJUK PERSPEKTIF MASLAHAH}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 15370083 Ridho Wijayanto}, year = {2022}, note = {Pembimbing: Siti Jahroh, S.H.I., M.S.I}, keywords = {Efektivitas Hukum, Ma{\d s}la{\d h}ah, Zero Over Dimension Over Loading (ODOL)}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/54279/}, abstract = {The phenomenon of trucks over dimension and over loading often occurs on the streets of Indonesia. Over dimension and over loading trucks are not in accordance with the rules of the truck manufacturer and are not in accordance with the laws and regulations in Indonesia. Over dimension and over loading trucks are considered to be the main causes of road damage, infrastructure damage and traffic accidents that result in material losses and even fatalities. In following up on the problem of over dimension and over loading trucks, the government through the Ministry of Transportation initiated a policy called Zero Over Dimension Over Loading based on Law No. 22 Th. 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation to suppress ODOL trucks that are free to roam the streets of Indonesia. From the existence of the Zero ODOL policy, the author tries to examine the implementation of Zero ODOL at one of the weigh bridges in East Java, namely UPPKB Guyangan Nganjuk. Is the implementation of Zero ODOL at UPPKB Guyangan in accordance with the theory of legal effectiveness? and how does the ma{\d s}la{\d h}ah theory look at the arguments of the drivers for ODOL violators? In conducting this research, the author uses field research methods using the theory of legal effectiveness and the theory of ma{\d s}la{\d h}ah. This research aims to determine the legal effectiveness of implementing Zero ODOL, especially in the author's research location, namely UPPKB Guyangan, Nganjuk. This research also aims to find out the arguments of the drivers of ODOL violators and then analyze them from the perspective of the ma{\d s}la{\d h}ah theory. The results of this study indicate that the application of the Zero ODOL rule at UPPKB Guyangan cannot be said to be effective from the perspective of legal effectiveness, because in the 5 determining factors of legal effectiveness, there are still obstacles in each of them. The argument of the driver who violates Over Dimension Over Loading at UPPKB Guyangan shows that there is coercion on the part of the owner of the goods and the owner/operator of the vehicle to drive the ODOL vehicle. This is not in accordance with the aspects of {\d h}if{\d z} an-nafs and {\d h}if{\d z} al-m{\=a}l in ma{\d s}la{\d h}ah theory} }