@phdthesis{digilib54297, month = {August}, title = {PERLINDUNGAN HAK KEKAYAAN INTELEKTUAL TERHADAP PEMBAJAKAN BUKU DI APLIKASI TELEGRAM BERDASARKAN FATWA MUI NO.1 TAHUN 2005}, school = {UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA}, author = {NIM.: 15380012 Ita Nurmala Sari}, year = {2022}, note = {Pembimbing: Saifuddin, S.H.I., M.SI}, keywords = {Fatwa MUI, Hak Kekayaan Intelektual, Pembajakan Buku, Perlindungan Hukum,}, url = {https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id/id/eprint/54297/}, abstract = {Book piracy if defined as an effort to reproduce a book by printing, photocopying or other means without obtaining written permission from the relevant book publisher, it will be found that there are many parties who consciously or unconsciously can be called hijackers. This is evidenced by Indonesia being recorded as the country that has the highest position with the worst score of intellectual property rights (IPR) violations in Asia based on research conducted by political and economic risk consultancy (PERC). The rise of book piracy often occurs in Indonesia, especially during this pandemic because there are many illegal e-book spreading media. While many creators feel aggrieved about this because many copies of the book are hijacked while the creators do not receive proper royalties The type of research used in this research is library research , with the nature of the research is descriptive analysis and the approach used in research is normative juridical. The data collection method used is in the form of conducting interviews and collecting secondary source data in the form of notes, books, journals, articles, theses or literacy documents. The results of this study seen from a normative approach can be concluded that intellectual property rights in Islamic law are seen as one of the h\{uqu{\ensuremath{>}}q ma{\ensuremath{>}}liyyah (property rights) that receive legal protection (ma?su{\ensuremath{>}}n) as ma{\ensuremath{>}}l (wealth). Legal protection in the MUI Fatwa relates to the framework of maqa{\ensuremath{>}}s\}id asy-Shari{\ensuremath{>}}'ah in line with the principles and principles of urgent needs (d\}aru{\ensuremath{>}}riyya{\ensuremath{>}}t) as an effort to preserve property (al-ma{\ensuremath{>}}l) and provide legal protection against the results of human creativity (al-?aql) in producing intellectual work. The MUI fatwa asserts that reprinting or copying a book (without valid permission) is seen as a violation or crime against the author's rights for having taken away the property rights of others and the law is illegitimate.} }