%A NIM.: 15380087 Putri Ayu Khatami Rahmi %O Pembimbing: Abdul Mughits,S.Ag.,M.Ag %T HUKUM MENGONSUMSI PRODUK MAKANAN DAN MINUMAN YANG TIDAK BERLABEL HALAL PASCA-BERLAKUNYA UNDANG-UNDANG NOMOR 33 TAHUN 2014 %X Food and beverages is a basic necessity in life, nowadays various kinds of food and beverages products are widely circulated in the market. The circulation of various kinds of food and beverage must certainly be adjusted to safety standards and ensured that it is suitable and safe for consumption. In Indonesia, safety standards and certainty on food and beverage froducts in circulation are very important. Due to the large number of Muslims in Indonesia who are only allowed to consume halal and good things, the certainty of the halalness of a product is very important. As technology develops, it causes its own concerns for Muslims in choosing products to be consumed. This is because the process of making products sold in the market is unknown, and there are still products that are widely circulated in the market without any halal or non-halal information. The purpose of this study is to see the views of Islamic law regarding the law of consuming food and beverage products that are not labeled halal. This research is descriptive-analysis, which describes first the object to be studied, then conducts an analysis. This research is a literature research, from the collected data, furthermore it is studied using a normative approach based on the review of Islamic law with the legal theory of the origin of everything is mubah and the law is called fellow muslims. The results of this study show that there are still manufacturers who have not implemented the obligation to include halal labels on their products. Based on the rules of fiqh, because there is no definite clarity that states that food and beverage products that have not been labeled halal are haram to eat, then the law on foods that has not been labeled halal is permissible and halal for consumption. %K Hukum Islam, Label Halal, Muamalah %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib54300