relation: title: HISTORISITAS HADIS NON-HUKUM (KAJIAN ISNAD CUM MATN TERHADAP HADIS ANJURAN MEMBUNUH CICAK) creator: Izzuddin, NIM.: 15550030 subject: Hadis subject: Hadis Hukum description: In general, the interest of western scholars in knowing the historicity, originality, and authenticity of everything results in source criticism. One of the sources of Islam which has received a lot of criticism from Western scholars is the hadith. Goldziher, Schacht and Juynboll have criticized the origins of the hadith emergence. They mutually reinforce the argument that “hadith is the fabrication results of scholars’ in the 2nd and 3rd centuries of Hijrah.” This assumption emerged after they conducted research on legal hadiths used for the authorities’ interests, legal legitimacy, and that for schools in theology. This is the very point I use to start raising a question over “what if the research focuses on neutral hadiths, i.e., those which have no connection with such interests of certain groups? Will the argument on historicity that is laid over the legal hadiths also occur to non-legal hadiths?” In this research, I focus on hadiths advising to kill wazagh (lizards) that have no relation to law and thus neutral from the authorities’ interests. The research method I use to trace the history of the hadiths is isnād cum matn offered by Harald Motzki. Isnād cum matn is a method that is based on dating of hadith through analysis and study of transmission lines (isnād), as well as collecting and comparing variations of hadith texts (matn) from pre-, post-, and canonical books of hadith collection. The first I take was to collect the narration paths of the hadith in question by using al-maktabah al-syāmilah application. Therein I found 117 hadiths with various narrations preserved by 27 hadith collectors. Then, I divided it into four (4) diagram bundles according to the characters contained in the matan. I put color in the diagram lines to indicates that the reconstruction of the bundle is considering the corresponding matan and to some extent shows its polarization. The results of the analysis of sanad and matan diagram 1 mentioned Suhail (w. 138) as a common link. The analysis in diagram 2 mentioned ‘Abd al- Ḥamīd Ibn Jubair as a common link. Then, the analysis of diagram 3 showed al- Zuhrī as a common link in the hadith. The analysis of sanad and matan in diagram 4 had many single narrations. Therefore, the isnād cum matn analysis to the hadith advising to kill the lizard shows that the hadiths were supposedly circulating around the end of the 1st century to the middle of the 2nd century Hijriah in Medina. date: 2022-08-09 type: Thesis type: NonPeerReviewed format: text language: id identifier: format: text language: id identifier: identifier: Izzuddin, NIM.: 15550030 (2022) HISTORISITAS HADIS NON-HUKUM (KAJIAN ISNAD CUM MATN TERHADAP HADIS ANJURAN MEMBUNUH CICAK). Skripsi thesis, UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA.