%A NIM.: 15550037 Suwandi B. Lumuasa %O Pembimbing: Drs. Indal Abror, M. Ag %T KONSEP HADIS TENTANG PENDIDIKAN ORANG TUA TERHADAP ANAK (KAJIAN MA’ANIL HADIS) %X The background in this research problem is that the agefrom birth to Entering primary education is a golden age as well as a period of critical in the stages of human life that will determine development next child. The formation of human behaviour, attitudes and beliefs related closely related to behavior of religious values at an early age. Actally this thing be the duty and responsibility of parents. Like parents wishing for the best for his baby (child), various efforts will done so that the child can achieve success. One of them is strive for the best education for the child, be it formal education. This study aims to provide a good understanding for people parents to be able to educate their children well through parenting traditions. Sometimes parents do not fully understand the parenting hadith, so from that the author makes it easyfor readers or parents to understand the hadith-hadith parenting, through the method of collecting these even though hadiths. The author is well aware that this paper is still very far from being perfect cannot help parents to understand sit and practice. This research is a library research which includes research quantitative dat which is based on data from books, documents, artcles or digital hadith downloaders. The subject of this research is the collection of hadiths important hadith from sharing books-books that discuss hadith according to research and others. Data analysis is carried out in an interesting way meaning of the data that has been collected and from that meaning can be concluded. %K Pendidikan Anak, Aqiqah, Kewajiban Orang Tua %D 2022 %I UIN SUNAN KALIJAGA YOGYAKARTA %L digilib54357